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About HazyUK

  • Birthday 06/24/1978

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS3 & Xbox 360
  • Favourite Game?
    Zelda - Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    PS3 Network ID - HazyUK
  • Xbox Live Username

HazyUK's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm going to have to give it a go then. I loved Tempest!
  2. Is it playable? I've heard people saying that they have not got a clue what they're supposed to be doing?
  3. I'm really loving TR Anniversary also. It looks great upscaled on my TV. It's the only game I ever play at the moment.
  4. I'm downloading it now, cheers.
  5. I like the look of the new 360 but I hope they do something about the noise also.
  6. Add me also. I just bought Gundam Musou on eBay, eurogamer gave it an 8/10.
  7. What a complete ar5e! lol! Can anyone with a PS3 who's recently changed their gamertag due to the UK servers getting switched on post their new ones? And feel free to add me - HazyUK Thanks for adding me Owen, I was going to add you earlier but did not know what your new tag was.
  8. I'm just about to buy Tekken DR and Blastfactor, I'll let you know what they're like. Also those forum members that are on my friends list, I've changed my tag to HazyUK now that the UK servers are up and running. So if you get a FR it's off me.
  9. Casino Royale looks amazing on Blu-ray. It's the first blu-ray that actually made me go wow! and I've seen quite a few of them.
  10. Not yet, but to be honest the sixaxis controls on other games are a complete waste of time. I hope they bring back the rumble soon.
  11. Power Smash Tennis 3 arrived today (Virtua Tennis), I only had a quick go but it's looking nice and thankfully it's in English. I used to love playing Virtua Tennis in the arcades.
  12. Has anyone tried using a webcam with their PS3? I just got my 360's webcam working with mine, which I think is pretty cool if a little wrong lol! You may need to do an update before you try.
  13. The PS3 has surprised me, no way would I have thought I'd say that the PS3 is my favourite out of all three consoles a couple of months ago, and I never owned a PS2 I always had an xbox. But it is my fave at the moment. I'm now on my third 360 in a year which is just pathetic in my opinion. I do like Xbox Live, it's just a pity that the console is not well designed and sounds like a banshee. If another one breaks down I'm giving up on it. (fingers crossed it don't) Especailly as I'm really getting into Crackdown now, it's one hell of an addictive game.
  14. I did not get to play much of the Crackdown demo, but I'm glad I bought the game. It is so addictive!
  15. But things are picking up... http://gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=22952
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