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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. Well we've already understood that you don't actually know what communism is.


    What are these better things that we've moved onto exactly? War? Poverty? A larger rift between the rich and the poor/social classes? Oh man I love these great things we've moved on to.


    Just because we're in a democracy it doesn't that it's the only way that people should live and everyone else is evil. Do you actually know anything about North Korea, Kim Jong Il or communism?


    China and Russia. Moved on. Developed. Simple.as.

  2. By the way iPaul, that video is horrifically biased to the point I think he's making stuff up. I think Kim Jong Il is a tit, and the way people worship him is absurd, however saying that there is no emotion and love in NK is just pure bullshit and there is no way he paid a bribe to get in the country, it's impossible. You can ONLY get in by applying for a visa (about $3,000) for two weeks. You have to have pre-screening in China and even then you get two members of the Korean Workers Party who accompany your trip and SHOW you what they want you to see. There is NO other way to see or get into North Korea, so what your guy in the video is saying is pretty much bullshit.


    If you open up your mind, you will see that while aspects of North Korea are horrific (pretty much Kim Jong Il), it is a country which just has a different take on life, which many people can't understand or comprehend, which is why they are fearful of it and so damning of it. No system is perfect but I'd hate to live in a world where there wasn't an outlook on life where making and having money was king.




    Yeah sure, 40% of Americans living below the poverty line is a "better thing" and a little thing called the Global financial crisis is a "better thing."


    That is capitalism, which I am not a fan of either. There is a middle ground, which we should stay in.


    IF we started a war with them, could they even fight back effectively with their technology?

  3. They're alright.


    A bit bland and samey.


    But alright none the less.


    Least appropriate word. Exogenesis, Unnatural selection and Undisclosed desires could not be more different

  4. Thats not gonna happen...So what stores like GAME, gamestation, gamestop )in the US etc...) can either lose a proportion of their sales profits or lose all of them? Plus that suits platform holders...push ahead with digital distribution plans, set up stores in major cities, exclusively sell through their own online stores. Only losers are the retailers...




    CEX always argue that their business model is adaptable and will always sell...theres always some crap to sell used that they can decide to start selling.


    I didn't think any retailers would survive now without second hand, I reckon they would do it in protest

  5. THIS IS GENIUS. Strength and balance are psychological things. Most people can snap through wood and balance on one leg, however we need a level of confidence to boost it... and this is the fake answer! If you believe it works it will work.

  6. Firstly he's not a singer. Secondly which of his songs were covers?! There's a difference between covers and using a song as part of a sample.


    Oh and also, he's not trying to be gangster.


    Hmm. Your entire post is wrong.


    Rapping over a song, and calling it the same thing makes it a cover to me. And you just have to listen to jungle to realise he thinks he is a black gangster
