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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. Well as long as there is something on the end to finish it properly because the 'EuraSIA! SIA! SIA!' bit just doesn't cut it... in any case I wasn't expecting it to be the best track on the album or anything so I'm not too bothered, hopefully 'Uprising' will be better and worth the wait though I'm allready skeptical about it... :/


    Guitar based song- chants of OI OI OI though- a bit like ACDC OMG A HOMAGE TO ACDC WOULD BE GREAT

  2. Then why was it posted that it's the full song? if it is then it's incomplete and if it's not then I wish they would just hurry the fuck up and release the rest of the track... they've hyped it more than enough now and it's just pissing me off.


    Apparently it is piano according to zane lowe.... SHAME

  3. I think he's referring to the fact that he's believing each new rumour he keeps hearing about Muse and is then annoyed when it turns out to be not true :heh: can't you just wait till tomorrow Stuwii? as you said, they are gonna be on Radio 1 on Monday so surely the proper details will be announced then?


    Sure I wanna hear the new single and I'll most likely buy the new album but I don't see the point in getting hyped until any solid details are released, yes I'm excited because there's a new album coming but I don't see the point in getting worked up over mere rumours. :/


    I am talking about these silly interviews- we are going R'n'B and classical

  4. Hmmm, interesting sighting there. Track 8 seems a bit odd for a muse title though. Also, the titles in brackets could be b-sides, meaning those songs are possible singles?


    EDIT: Entire tracklisting added.


    Are you sure thats all

  5. Muse - The Resistance




    1. Uprising

    2. Resistance

    3. Undisclosed Desires

    4. United States of Eurasia + Collateral Damage (b-side?)

    5. Guiding Light

    6. Unnatural Selection

    7. Mk. Ultra


    :grin: :grin: :grin::yay: :yay: :yay:


    I'll add them as they're announced, they seem to be adding one track every hour. Also, track 7.... WTF?!!! xD


    Oh, wait, this explains Mk. Ultra; http://mburgan.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/mkultra-lsd-doc.jpg. Yay for conspiracies!! Just looked it up on Wikipedia too, and I think it sounds like a wicked concept for a song!


    MK Ultra reminds me of hyper music for some reason

  6. Lol, there'll be a lot of those methinks... :heh:


    Though this just in, Zane Lowe on The Resistance, from his Twitter account:




    Not what I was expecting, but it still sounds interesting! Looks like he's heard it then, so the single might actually be aired on Monday, exciting times! Zane also said to look out for more album details, including the tracklisting, on Tuesday. :grin:


    EDIT: Actually, scratch that, Muse appear to be uploading the track names RIGHT NOW!!!




    eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :grin:




    My life is igniting My soul is confiding May this come soon


    See muse are rubbing off on me
