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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. I think I'll take your opinion with a large pinch of salt given your dislike of Origin of Symmetry :heh: still though... why only 30 seconds? if you have access to the full track then give the whole thing a listen at least.


    I love OOS but not the mastering of New born and Citizen erased and find megalomania, darkshines and screenager shit

  2. Anything goes on the big topic at the moment. Should we be at war, will this ever end, when if ever will we go to war with iran.


    My view is we are facing a very dangerous enemy that are as extreme as nazi germany but could be more dangerous. If iran nukes israel the israeli last stand would wipe out the entire middle east and this is a very dangerous possibility, when the iranian regime follow a religion that does not fear death

  3. Whenever Stuwii posts in this thread, I imagine one of those war-time communications operators in aircraft, quickly reporting what is coming down the line, sweating slightly in anticipation.


    Maybe that's just me.




    I know I'm late and it's a dead horse already, but I'm loving Dangerous and HIStory by Michael Jackson. Probably the "other two" compared to Thriller and Bad, but I find the production in both to be far more engaging and stimulating. I mean, Jam, They Don't Care About Us and Scream are just brilliant.


    I love the video for Scream. Most expensive video ever made, I hear. It's very 90's with all the cgi/futuristic interiors, but it was long before most of the imitators (1994/5).


    I bet that linkin park leave out all the rest cost more- looked very expensive

  4. I should warn you now, stuwii... Manager Mode is a bitch.



    If that is a fifa reference I must tell you that if this did have a manager mode it better not die like my fifa 09 one did


    Did the zelda tp trade in deal. 25 quid off ta


    Things I do not like so far- Powerboating-hard to control

    Cycling- motionplus where exactly

    Archery- great fun but the mario v sonic one was better

  5. I think the general consensus here was yes, you should.


    Is that what they are offering at game? £25 trade in for Zelda and then that money off Sports Resort? Are you sure? Cause if so, I'm pretty tempted.


    Certain, only until thursday though

  6. He's only 18.5 points ahead of Webber though. If Red Bull can keep up the pace or Brawn suffer some misfortune, Button could be easily caught by both Webber and Vettel in the six rounds remaining. A single retirement and the championship could be blown wide open in a stroke.


    The championship is on number of wins this year
