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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Erm thats bullshit. Fox is easily the hardest character to master in the game due to the fact that it requires near impossible reflexes to master him. The same can be said about Falco. marth is really high up on the tier list because if you perfect spacing with him you'll be untouchable (literally) but spacing that good is almost impossible.


    It's impossible to actually master a character because there are so many variations of playing technique. You look at Ken's fox play and he barely goes for a waveshine combo; he is far less technical than other fox's yet his tactics (or mindgames, or whatever you wanna call them) are alot better than other players; he reads the game better than anyone else. Other fox players however can be extremely technical, pull off amazing combos but they can still be beaten.


    Also, Mewtwo is one of the worst characters in the game, because of the following reasons:

    -he has no strong finishing moves that can be combo'd into.

    -He struggles to combo.

    -he's floaty so dies very quickly.

    -While his throws are good, it's very hard to get grabs in against good players, and even you can grab them, they can DI well and not die.


    What I'm trying to say is that there are some characters that ARE better than others. I mean, why is Roy barey used a tourny level, whereas Fox's can be seen everywhere? it's because even when you learn all the techniques with Roy and develop a fighting style, he his slightly inferior to other characters. I mean, if two people had the same skill level and fought each other, and one used Fox and the other Roy, you'd expect Fox to win, because he has more potential, HOWEVER what this doesn't mean is that the low tier characters CAN'T beat the higher tier characters.


    It's about strategy, not just technical skill.





    And why the hell would you 'study' how to win. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about do you?


    Now you really are taking it too seriously xD


    Um... the site is on the right :P

    They have pretty good comics.


    Never saw that, cheers.

  2. I don't know why I was complaining about wavedashing now. Me and my Smashing friends usually just laugh at it, and make jokes about the GameFAQs guide. "You can't be pro if you can't do these moves." Usually I'd do it and get hit straight away.


    I'll still be Mario, simply because he has a really fun feel to him, but I can imagine there being such a vast concentration of "pros" that us funners will just end up staying offline and have to plan all of our online matches.

  3. Yeah I snake with Bowser, so fun.


    I don't understand the whole 'wavedashing makes certain characters useless' comment. Care to give an example? An also it does add depth, a lot of it to. just watch a falco or fox play and see the difference it makes.


    When I play Brawl online i'm going to be playing against people who are good. I don't want to buy a 360 (yet) so this will be my main game. I play to have a laugh and have fun, and I get a lot of this whilst playing Melee. I did have a lot of fun playing with items and such, but after I started getting deeper into the game I enjoyed it far more.


    I'm cool with the fact certain people won't play Brawl the way I play it, but i don't really mind, because i'm in the majority so it's all good.


    Yes, see, it gives more possibilities to Falco and Fox, removing possibilities for people favor Mario or Bowser (lol). Hence removing an entire repitoire of moves for competitive play.


    Funnily enough, I was in the other boat for snaking.

  4. They didn't do a great job at balancing it last time, which is why all "pros" are always Falco, Marth or Samus.


    Anyway, I'm on the Wii, so I'll just point out the larger flaws in your arguament. The first being "OMG advanced moves gay lolkkodV€gv bcvvgtysyygth7uy". Firstly, I didn't say advanced techniques are bad, neither did anyone else. I specifically said wavedashing, which you can't argue isn't an unintentional bi-product of air dodging. Anyone who so much as reads the manual for Melee can L-cancel.

  5. Oh god, not this again...


    What other explanation for it is there? Let's face it, the game is for fun, it's clearly not meant to be raped to the point of mastery. That's why tripe like wave-dashing and super wave-dashing, which are clearly not intended for the game are discovered. I hope that kind of elitist shit is prevented in Brawl.

  6. Erm, no, that's what the tier lists are for.


    If you mastered both characters, marth would come out on top (not just against each other, but against other characters aswell). Roy has good attributes, but Marth is superior in basically every way.


    In what respects is roy better than marth?


    No, tier lists are for sad people who take the game too seriously.

  7. *Is at work for them ^^ right now*


    Unfortunately I bank with NatWest, and dont have online banking, or I would.


    Oh my god, he was banned?! And I love PodCaZt! Life is good. (Yes, I'm replying to a signature.)
