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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Silly it's the E3 Thread.Wait or is it the hardware thread,or Bwii thread or 3rd party peripherals thread.


    No no it's definently what you expect to be announced at E3 thread...



    Or is it?


    It's got to be the Halo 3 thread.

  2. They could easily make a Kid Icarus mini game where you have to keep going up and such and such, just like they could have made an Ice Climbers minigame with the Smash Bros engine.


    One thing that strikes me is how they could possibly accomplish 16:9 widescreen. Wouldn't it have to be stretched because of the rigid "abyss" death system. Or they'd have to make the stages bigger for widescreen and smaller for normal-o-vision, which would also mean people in wide screen and regular screen wouldn't be able to play against each other online. And stuff.

  3. I can think of three reasons why NiGHTs is an extremely likely character. Those would be; Shigeru Miyamoto's comments on NiGHTs which suggested if he could have created a franchise that he didn't, it would be NiGHTs, secondly NiGHTs rules, thirdly, NiGHTs musics are good.


    Edit: I didn't say good reasons.
