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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. We don't want a Hyrule that's too big. I think we need to finally see what is outside of Hyrule, or atleast not have the feeling that all the parts of Hyrule are separate by imposing little "warp points" to get to the next part of the map (if you catch my meaning).


    Well, it makes more sense to compare what happens in changing the areas in Hyrule to that of moving from a dungeon back to the underworld, it doesn't feel seamless like most of Ocarina of Time did.

  2. Clearly hasn't heard of punctuation.




    Right, because this clearly isn't a forum; if someone says something I don't agree with, do you want me to say "Woah cool! I totally agree with what you said! Let's go home and masturbate!?" fuck off, if I don't agree with someone, I'm going to do my darndest to prove them wrong.


    Has religion taught us nothing? Sure, you can express your opinion, but it's just that, opinion. You act like you're right (e.g. "RPG's suck on Wii" "Excite Truck is crap" "Fighters are wank on Wii"), proving someone wrong is only possible when there's proper fact involved. Also, what I said wasn't meant be perceived with the slightest serious tone, lighten up.

  3. I should have said I have played Metroid Prime on and off for 10 minutes whenever I'm at a mates house or something. Wasn't that excited by it, seemed a bit empty and boring? But then I don't like 1st person shooters much anyway. Still, 10 mins obviously isn't enough time, so will probably play it from beginning to end sometime.




    I think it would be hard to compare Metroid and Zelda anyway seeing as they're very different? Ones an RPG the other is a FPS.


    Action/Adventure and FPA mo' like. Standards today are right gay. Everyone has to be literal and strict about everything. Can't compare soup and cereal because they're in different food groups. It isn't a frigging classroom. (Had to get that off my chest.)


    Also, cereal definately owns soup.

  4. Funny, cause I have much more games on the Wii than what I had for GC in the same period. It's also interesting how people lost or gain faith, like this is some sort of religion :P

    Who cares if the game is kiddy or not, if it's good, buy it.


    When you buy something, you're bound to put some faith into it. You expect certain things out of it once you hand over your hard earned cash and, for me, the Wii, quite frankly, hasn't delivered. It also doesn't look like the investment is going to deliver in the near future.

  5. I was going to buy Dewy's Adventure when it was released, but after seeing the way they approach the Wii, I'll feel I'm buying into the "Wii is for kids" attitude. If Dewy sells well, they're bound to keep shitting out child orientated crap. The only game I see me buying from Konami in the near future is Dance Dance Revolution.


    I'm losing faith in the Wii daily now. Only a week ago I was full of enthusiasm, as I usually am. By now in the Gamecube's life time I probably had about 10 games, all rather "killer". I've got 5 games on the Wii now, two of which are games I had no choice but to have (Wii Sports and Wii Play for the remote), one which is an EA Sports game (I've never stooped to buying an EA Sports title before now!) and I've already traded in two games, and I never traded in any of my Gamecube games before.


    Ten more games are all I can look forward to for the Wii, and they're atleast 4-5 months away, and a lot of them are probably next year.
