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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Soul Calibur Legends

    Has religion taught us nothing? Sure, you can express your opinion, but it's just that, opinion. You act like you're right (e.g. "RPG's suck on Wii" "Excite Truck is crap" "Fighters are wank on Wii"), proving someone wrong is only possible when there's proper fact involved. Also, what I said wasn't meant be perceived with the slightest serious tone, lighten up.
  2. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    Action/Adventure and FPA mo' like. Standards today are right gay. Everyone has to be literal and strict about everything. Can't compare soup and cereal because they're in different food groups. It isn't a frigging classroom. (Had to get that off my chest.) Also, cereal definately owns soup.
  3. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    This is where all reviewers fall short, they look too deeply into things, nitpicking at everything. In their mind they may think it's the greatest thing since cups got up the face of gravity, but they point out things that they wouldn't really be bothered by. Gay.
  4. Soul Calibur Legends

    Come on guys, you all know The Bard's opinion is ultimate. Resistance is futile. I for one do find fighters generally because they're a bit shit. I like Soul Calibur because it requires no skill.
  5. Your earliest gaming memory..

    When I was three years old I remember playing Mario All Stars on the Mario Bros multi player battlage thing while my Gran was looking after me. I could have been younger, but it was definately before primary school.
  6. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    You're really passionate about this, aren't you Motion?
  7. Mario Strikers Charged Football

    First on my list :p I'll go throw my code over in the code thread.
  8. Opoona

    I like the idea of one handed gaming. I can play powerball and Opoona at the same time.
  9. Mario Strikers Charged Football

    Mario Strikers and Grapes. I got them both today and they're both delicious. Who's up for an online-o in the morn'? I'll pop my friend in the appropriate thread soon. I love Boo.
  10. You'd be right. Just not in selection screens. To be honest it'd be pointless in character selection, as characters are already in series order, and I never hear people complaining they can't find their desired character.
  11. The same way he used the super scope. On it's back in a way that insinuates humpage.
  12. Konami = Idiots!

    When you buy something, you're bound to put some faith into it. You expect certain things out of it once you hand over your hard earned cash and, for me, the Wii, quite frankly, hasn't delivered. It also doesn't look like the investment is going to deliver in the near future.
  13. Konami = Idiots!

    I was going to buy Dewy's Adventure when it was released, but after seeing the way they approach the Wii, I'll feel I'm buying into the "Wii is for kids" attitude. If Dewy sells well, they're bound to keep shitting out child orientated crap. The only game I see me buying from Konami in the near future is Dance Dance Revolution. I'm losing faith in the Wii daily now. Only a week ago I was full of enthusiasm, as I usually am. By now in the Gamecube's life time I probably had about 10 games, all rather "killer". I've got 5 games on the Wii now, two of which are games I had no choice but to have (Wii Sports and Wii Play for the remote), one which is an EA Sports game (I've never stooped to buying an EA Sports title before now!) and I've already traded in two games, and I never traded in any of my Gamecube games before. Ten more games are all I can look forward to for the Wii, and they're atleast 4-5 months away, and a lot of them are probably next year.
  14. Rayman and red steel sales!

    He's right though. Alot of the games are mighty shite, where-as the adverts are mighty tasty.
  15. I can't wait to get caught in the middle of a four-way rush to get the Smash Ball. It makes me feel that I was truly missing out by turning off items in Melee. It just dawned on me that this game is going to be the tits. I'm overcome with the urge to hug Goron.
  16. BWii: Batallion Wars 2

    It's got to be the Halo 3 thread.
  17. BWii: Batallion Wars 2

    I've totally forgotten what thread I'm in.
  18. They could easily make a Kid Icarus mini game where you have to keep going up and such and such, just like they could have made an Ice Climbers minigame with the Smash Bros engine. One thing that strikes me is how they could possibly accomplish 16:9 widescreen. Wouldn't it have to be stretched because of the rigid "abyss" death system. Or they'd have to make the stages bigger for widescreen and smaller for normal-o-vision, which would also mean people in wide screen and regular screen wouldn't be able to play against each other online. And stuff.
  19. Rumour: More from the Media Summit?

  20. Rumour: More from the Media Summit?

    Don't knock it 'til you've tried.
  21. games you enjoy, that could embares

    Kingdom Hearts. It's alright when you pretend it's a "Final Fantasy spin off" to your friends, until Donald Duck jumps up on the screen and everyone's pissing themselves.
  22. Rumour: More from the Media Summit?

    That's bullshit. I can't even be bothered to go into why it's bullshit, because there's so much bullshit it's unreal. And the fact that I can't place my finger on the bullshit. But it all tastes like bullshit.
  23. Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!

    Does anyone know what's on GDS' resume games wise? Have they ever created something this ambitious?
  24. Orb (indie Wii game) pics

    Jesus Motion, you're such a gay.