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Posts posted by -JC-

  1. Fun House. It's a whole lotta fun, there's prizes to be won.


    At this year's fresher's week in Bath, we were meant to get Edith Bowman DJing on one night, and when we found out she was ill, there was a huge groan from the crowd. Until we found out the replacement. Yes, PAT FUCKING SHARP came onto the stage TO THE THEME TUNE! One of his quotes of the evening from what I remember was "Who here has tossed off over the twins?!... I have! And I mean literally!"... Pat Sharp is eeeeeeemense!


    Edit: Ashley? My Mother, The Car? I thought I was the only one that remembered that program! It was god-damned awful, but looking back at it now, it's just pure comedy gold!

  2. I was actually going to start a new thread about the possibility of pirating VC games, but I saw this and thought better of it. Just out of interest, how is it that VC games can be downloaded and transferred to SD card but not played on another Wii? I know that there's encryption to a console-specific code and whatnot, but do you reckon there's a possibility that someone will crack the code and start releasing the VC games with some sort of re-encryptor for your console? That thought kinda scares me, as it completely destroys the VC. And considering you could get all the VC games currently available on a 2GB SD card extremely comfortably, with a download time of less than a few hours, I'm sure it would become rife across the net in next to no time.


    Edit, my bad entirely, completely forgot about the STICKY at the very top of the forum! Sorry

  3. Still haven't decided what to do. Having managed to avoid a situation in which I was with anyone on valentines day (last year I split up with my girlfriend 2 weeks before, year before I got with someone a week after it), I approach this year in between being with someone and not being with someone. Complicated isn't the word. However, I loathe the day as a poor excuse for present buying, considering that there shouldn't just be one day a year when you can show affection.


    I'll probabily just end up giving her one of my old cuddly toys she's become attatched to. A small yellow dog called Benji that sits on my dashboard, he falls off when I accelerate or turn too quickly, and also makes my car stand out in a car park from miles away from his bright-yellowness. If I'm going to give a gift, I might as well give something that means something. Not just the standard chocolates, flowers, card or underwear. Thought that counts, eh?

  4. As said earlier, saturday is a shit night to go out. I usually spend saturday night at work until 10 or 11, go home and watch as much of match of the day as I can, and then spend the rest of the evening regretting what I did on friday's night out.

  5. Question depends entirely on what it's with. Noodles in a stir fry, rice with curry or chilli. And not super noodles. Either Sharwood's dried egg or Amoy straight-to-wok. Super noodles are good for a snack, especially when you have the beef ones and put a little ketchup in the pan when you boil them. But I seriously can't imagine curry and noodles. On the other hand, I did eat stir fried veg and chicken with rice this evening.

  6. I'm sorry, but I've actually just forgotten the original point of this topic. Oh yes, Kingofhyrule's post about worrying over the demise of Nintendo (in a nutshell, I know that's not the exact topic, but it's close enough).


    As far as I can see, Nintendo are already in profit on the Wii. That for one immediately registers the worry that Nintendo could end up like SEGA void.


    Worrying about Zelda getting stale? TP was basically an evolution of the WW engine, so not much will change until the next Zelda game. And as far as I can recall, there's been talk of the next Zelda being compeltely overhauled. Personally, I'm hoping for a OoT/MM -> WW style change. WW just seemed fresh and different, even without the graphical change.


    I can imagine that the change in control system is going to change the various franchises in a big way. I for one am really looking forward to Mario Galaxy, I seem to remember reports from E3 being extremely positive about how everything felt and controlled.


    To me, the Wii is the home of the truely unique and one-of-a-kind games. Nowhere else will you find such a huge variety of classic franchises. I'm really looking forward to (in no particular order) Trauma Centre, Animal Crossing, Mario, Metroid, Starfox, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, WarioWare (Might be out, but I'm waiting till after the uni exams), and a vast library of games that simply wouldn't work on another system. And where the hell has Pikmin gone? I want it back! I would love to see some form of Elite Beat Agents too, I can't get enough of that game on my DS!


    I must admit, my Wii will eventually be paired with an Xbox360 or a PS3 for the mutli-platform games that don't work as well on the PC. But there is no chance that the Wii will be considered a failure IMO. Not with the insane leverage the first and second party franchises have (be honest, would you have bought a GC otherwise?), and not with the currently positive media reaction to a new style of play. Price, public opinion, and general all-round awesomeness can guarantee that holds true.

  7. Just out of interest, my friends are trying to get hold of Wiis, what day does Game get a delivery in, and would the Wiis be on the shelves on that day, or the day after? Just thinking of the right day to tell them to go so they can poach them before they fly off the shelves.

  8. Wow, am I impressed with the partnership of Rooney and Larsson. Shame that Rooney's finishing isn't up to much at the moment, he's had some cracking chances provided, and Larsson has made a surprising impact. At least Solskjaer is making an appearance. What a legend. *Edit* Hahaha, what did I say? Legend.

  9. CONFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSED dot com... how about SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT the fuck up, I couldn't care less about your fucking product if all you do is annoy the FUCK out of me by repeatedly saying CONFUSED DOT COM and speaking very very quickly. Sigh, and don't get me started on Diamond. Those adverts just scream "Gullible women will buy our insurance just because we say it's for them". Try a proper car insurance firm you stupid bimbos! Sorry, but some adverts just drive me mental

  10. I've found myself sending emails to my Wii for the sole reason of having the blue light on. I absolutely love blue light in my room. My PC lights up blue, my keyboard has a blue backlight, my clock has a blue flouresent tube around it, and now I want my Wii to light up all the time too!

  11. I've made a sandwich entirely from ingredients in a cupboard that have been given a number, then proceeded to tell my friend 3 numbers at random and then eat the sandwich blindfolded. I now admit to liking peanut butter, sherbert and chilli sauce sandwiches.

  12. I got an email from Play.com the other day saying that Monkey Ball has been dispatched. I got it two days later. I only just (last 6 to 8 hours ago, just got back form work) got confirmation of my Wii and Zelda orders, so hopefully tomorrow but looking like saturday instead. Still no word on my extra Wiimote and Nunchuk, or Wii Play for that matter. I've already been told one of my nunchuks will not be sent until they get more stock in (I ordered it later when I figured I might as well get Wii Play too). Worried times. I'm shattered as hell and I'm going to have to get up early yet again (like, 9am) to camp by the door for the delivery. Earliest I've been up in about 2 months until two days ago. Usually get up just in time for afternoon neighbours!

  13. Sabu got taken out of the chamber because there's a lot of backstage heat on him. Apparently he left a show early when they needed to film a promo, he's been falling asleep backstage and the general feeling is he's trying to get himself fired.


    Show was guaranteed to not only come out last, but lose his title as he's taking time off (perhaps permanently) to rehab a back injury that's been plaguing him for a while. So he came out last so he wouldn't have to be in there long, and he dropped the title so he could retire.


    Rob Van Dam was, in my opinion, not going to win either. He's still in the doghouse from the pot smoking incident which meant he dropped both the WWE and ECW championships in the space of 2 days. Plus, with only 6 months left on his contract and being used so poorly, I think he'll be leaving when his contract is up anyway. Apparently his wife was in the crowd and joined in the TNA chants!


    CM Punk, over as he is, was not going to win the title so soon, especially coming off a feud with Mike Knox. Not enough upper card experience yet on ECW, so as much as the smart fans would want it, the casual fans could be a problem. Still, no reason for the terrible booking to have him elminated first.


    So to me, it was down to Bobby Lashley or Test (Holly doesn't count, he was definitely not going to win). I had doubts that Lashley would get pushed so quickly, and Test has been working well recently, so I thought Test would win and set up a Lashley-Test feud for the title. Still, guess that could still happen, but I usually prefer face chasing heel title feuds.

  14. I think the WWE are purposefully trying to bury ECW. That was one of the WORST pay-per-views I've ever seen. Taking Sabu out of the Chamber match because of backstage heat? Check. Eliminating CM Punk first, the man who got a louder ovation than DX at SS? Check. Only advertising 2 matches? Check. Great Khali? Unfortunately, Check. Tommy Dreamer busts his ass for the company, and he's putting over Khali? Thankfully the chamber wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. CM Punk took a sick chair shot or two, and RVD bled a gusher. What happened to Holly though, he got a 2 count and then just sorta left, no more mention of it. Guess he was eliminated then. I wanted to see Lashley use his power to rip open the cage door instead of using the table to rip open the roof. And I also wanted to see Test use the crowbar to force the door open and surprise one of the competitors, that could've been a great heel move.

  15. Ok, I'll try and simplify what I said earlier. Surely it's simple geometry. IR takes x amount of time to get from one end of sensor bar to wiimote, and y amount of time to get from the other end to the wiimote. That means the Wiimote is x * (speed of light = c) distance from one end, and y * c from the other. Draw one circle of radius (x*c) centred at one end, and another circle of radius (y*c) centred at the other. Where the two circles intersect will be the position of the Wiimote, given you have eliminated the other intersection which is behind the bar.

  16. Well, early talk of Wrestlemania 23 is that the main event will be Batista vs The Undertaker in a Title vs Undefeated Streak match. No way in hell is Batista winning or there'll be hell to pay. Takers undefeated streak should never be ended. The only way I see that happening without complaint is if both Kane and Taker have a retirement match at Mania.

  17. As far as I'm aware, the sensor bar has at least two points that emit IR, which is enough for being able to triangulate the third point, the Wiimote's position. So in theory you could play with the sensor bar at 89 degrees to your position, as long as the Wiimote is in sights of both sets of IR emitters. That's my take on it anyway!
