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Everything posted by Lionsan

  1. After all this fecking around with pre-ordering of the Wii I just bought a Sony PS2 (I like Guitar Hero II) ...give me 5-6 years and I might bother to get a "next generation console" if they have any good games. tbh Once I get my christmas bonus I will hopeful be able to just walk into a shop and pick up a Wii. Anyone else given up on the pre-order?
  2. Not quick enough for Amazon and I've still not got a pre-order for the Wii. However of the people I have spoken to who have a confirmed pre-order only seem to have ordered a couple of games ... Wii Sports, Twilight Princess and Wii Play or something. You would hope these supposed "nintendo fanboys/girls" would be getting all the launch games. Otherwise Nintendo would seem to be wasting it's time targeting them as customers. Put your money where your nintendo fanboy/girl-ism is!
  3. Forgot to look on Amazon this morning for the Wii and they are all sold out. Nintendo should have charged a premium at the launch. Oh well, when is the PS3 coming out?
  4. Apparently the local GAME is getting 30 machines and already has 45 pre-orders..... so it was too late for me to pre-order now or something I was told. Apparently there is another batch coming in just before Christmas. .....however this is just the rumours I'm hearing so believe what you like. Kind of looking forward to seeing how the launch actually goes and will now just pick up a Wii later in the year. Christmas is going to be expensive as it is!
  5. From the feed back I have had from various sources it seems that things are pretty tight supply wise but that pre-orders will probably be filled. So the nintendo Fanboys are going to be happy. However guess everyone else, i.e. the non-console gamers that apparently Nintendo were targeting, will just miss out this christmas. Guess Nintendo might have fecked it up again and masses just will walk out with XBox360's and then later PS3. The Wii might be another GC?
  6. Ok I have pre-ordered a Wii while ago but have now been told that the shop will get 1 machine on launch date. There seems to be wild rumours that Nintendo Wii is delayed in UK???? The rumours a long the lines that the Nintendo Wii has proved so popular in the USA that the european machines are being repowered, reboxed and redirected to fulfil WallMart Pre-orders??? Rumours that Play.com is getting a total of 15 Wii??? So is this just wild internet rumours or do people think it is true? We have seen it all happen before with consoles? Will we need to spend several hundred pounds on e-bay just to get one for christmas??? I thought this would be a good place to ask what is really happening. Anyone heard different?
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