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Ferus Caelestis

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About Ferus Caelestis

  • Birthday 03/07/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Gaming, writing, reading, anime, RP-ing, movies, Stargate SG-1...


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GC, N64, SNES, GBC
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  1. Well, like a few other users said, it's been a 100+ years since OoT and I'm betting that when Ganondorf returned, he could've changed quite a few things.. Tell me why it shouldn't be different? Anyway, I've just started playing TWW again a little while ago and remembered again why it's such a cool game. Though I've always been slightly miffed at the lack of dungeons (there are what? 5 or something?) and at how easy everything is... And then there's the boring Triforce of Courage-hunting... But oh, well. Guess you can't have everything. Let's hope Twilight Princess will fix all that.
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