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Everything posted by GSS1

  1. Thanks for the more serious replies guys. Well, the RGB I´m using is a scart (it´s called RGB here) and it´s also the official Nintendo one and it´s plugged in the first of two scart sockets in the TV. I never had problems with my old TV so... The games themselves have no problems whatsoever, it´s just those instances in some games it happens. Same with the PS2, I never had any problems with my old TV and the games are running smoothly although, I have those three plugins that have three different colors as I stated in the first post.
  2. If you refer your title as a regular user, don´t you mean spammer? No way any serious poster would act the way you do. A regular user should welcome and help new ones, not start the way you´ve done. I´ve gotten a very bad first impression of this place and if the people here are like you there´s no way I would stay. Now, is there someone, other than this person here, that has anything useful to say? If not, I can take my question elsewhere on better forums.
  3. Then stop act like one and stop spamming. I don´t appreciate your "jokes".
  4. I see you didn´t understood what I meant which means you haven´t played the games I mention. Hopefully, this could be a little clearer: The "explosions" are in-game explosions. It´s like a in-game shockwave. The Gotcha Force bit, when you recieve new robots/parts, the capsule (ingame) explodes, hench the shockwave, out goes the signal for that second it explodes. RE 0 - When starting the game, there´s a ingame shock wave. Tenchu III - when the title screen appears, the screen should light up bright (like a flash grenade) and the signal gets lost there for a second. It´s those, really sudden flashing moments that screw up the signal. Now be so kind as not post if you don´t have anything helpful to say.
  5. Hardly a week ago, I got me this new 32" LCD HD-Ready TV. So far, I only play my videogames on it and all seems to go well except at certain moments when the screen "explodes" in some of my games. This being a VG site, mayby mentioning the games could help a little. It is the "exploding" part, that differs a little from game to game like if the screen lights up bright instantly (almost like a flash grenade) that is the problem. This causes the screen to turn blue (which happens when no signal are present) and it also says this on the TV: "No signal" Even though this only happens for a second, which is the time the sudden "explosion" accurs, it´s still very annoying. The games and "explosions are so far: Tenchu III at the title screen (white flash) Gotcha Force when going into hyper mode and when recieving new robots/parts after battle. Resident Evil 0 when starting/loading that boom sound followed by the narrator: "Resident Evil 0" In short, the "explosion" I´m talking about is like when a in-game shockwave accurs. I play mostly my Gamecube using the official RGB scart and my PS2 using the less effective white-red-yellow cord (don´t know what it´s called in english, sorry) The TV is a Mirai, a new brand but it´s a very great TV IMO. It´s as mentioned a LCD, 32" with contrast 1000:1 with an 8 ms respons time (dunno if I spelt that right, could be called something else in english, sorry again) Could the TV be broken in any way? Is it some fact that an LCD TV can´t handle sudden signals that lasts for a second? I really like this TV so far, and it would be a shame if it might be broken. I really don´t think that this could be something "normal". It always happens at the exact instances in my games so I know 100% that it is that sudden "explosion" (like the TV suddenly lights up brightly for a second) that causes the signal to be lost for a second. Any help or comments at all would help.
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