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About Bigfoot

  • Birthday 07/21/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
    Great Falls, MT
  • Interests
    Videogames, puzzles, and drawing.
  • Occupation
    Pizza delivery


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, Gamecube.
  • Other Systems Owned
    Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Xbox 360.
  • Favourite Game?
    Zelda Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Hard to say, too many.
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Xbox Live Username

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. God, not that again. I just want little blood effects when slashing enemies. That'd be sweet.
  2. I find it odd that there isn't any announcements on whether or not the game will and instriment to play. Yeah, not exactly a feature that could make or break a game, but ocarina and batons are so nastoligic.
  3. Twilight Princess will be the leading cause of face pwnage this Nov 19th, especially with the face pwning Wii console.
  4. Meh, they ported "next gen" technology on xbox with Doom 3.
  5. I don't feel like reading through all of this shit, but I will post my opinion on this matter. Graphics now, won't ever look bad in the future, will you ever go back and play MGS3 or RE4 and say "Damn, I can't believe I thought these graphics were once good..." Next generation graphics fail to impress me today, it just seems like that there just upping the polygons, I'm sorry but Zelda Twilite Princess looks more beautiful than 80% of "next gen" games, and its a gamecube game graphically. With Wii technology and up, the graphical horse power is enough to display the visual beauty of a game, but at this point, its more of the artistic point and how you handle that technology.
  6. That was such a beautiful battle indeed. With the water falls, and ganon duel wielding weapons, I aint disapointed one bit that he didn't transform.
  7. Don't your realize that mirroring only the character could cause many bugs? A mirrorred Link fighting unmirrored enemies would take more than the deadline to debug. Obviously Nintendo is smarter than you to mirror there game for specific reasons beyond than you care to understand.
  8. WOW REALLY!!1? What difference will it make to you if you play the Wii version first?
  9. Some of you guys are freaking wierd. Stop bitching about shit that doesn't matter. If the game gets repetive, or has a bad camera, those are flaws poeple. Not if Link is right or left handed. Being left handed is nothing special so get over it. Its not like left handed poeple have it harder in life and have huge obstacles to overcome. If anything you just have a harder time using a can opener. Edit: By the way Blender, nothings going to be back to front, do yourself a favor and talk in front of a mirror. I know its going to blow your mind when you see what happens but just do it.
  10. Honestly, how big of a difference will it make? Unless you play one version first than play the other. Do yourself a favor and watch this video. http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vids_1.html
  11. Thats the old Zelda boxart. I prefer the new one. More representive of the full package, both animal... and man!
  12. Time to pump it up on Wii! Anyways what difference does it really make for lefties? Will you be holding the wiimote in your left hand and the nunchuck in your right? Wouldn't that be wierd after playing games the right handed way for so many years?
  13. I've said it numerous times. Tough guys will play the game on Wii, that is the definitive version to us.
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