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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. nintendo state that the new zelda will "look" beautiful and there not on about the gfx, there talking about the style of art in the game like wind waker to me was visually stunning look at killer 7 "VIEWtiful Joe" jes shows cel shaded can work wonders if used in the right games

  2. hmmm MMORPG's can be playes by pointing at the target and pressing A to attak or B to bring down a drop menu on what else your can do with it with the analouge add on for moving forward left right and back with the controller acting as your vision

  3. 1.When do you think the Revolution will be released?(Japan, USA, Europe)

    2.How much do you think the Revolution will cost?

    3.What will be included with the Revolution?

    4.How much will the controller cost?

    5.What will you get in a controller package?

    6.What colours do you expect at the launch?

    7.What colour do you want?

    8.What game are you looking forward to the most?


    1.August - JAP, October - USA, December - EU

    2.Hopefully Between £149.99 - £199.99 and if something else is show as a surprise to

    seperate Revo from other i expext a £229.99 Price





    4.Around £24.99 - £34.99

    5.A Controller + Analouge

    6.White and Black

    7. Silver to go next to my beasty PC

    8.Super Smash Bros Online

  4. What i love that nintendo has now done with the revolution they have slapped sony and M$ in the face with a wet fish, theve revealed the controller and no specs to go with it yet no1 has really cared about the specs of the revo any more as there to busy thinking how much fun they can have


    IMO Nintendo have done what there trying to do for games here get rid of the flashy numbers and creat fun
