True. Mind you, Splatoon was lambasted for low content at the start - but then things fleshed out. I have a feeling that might not happen for this one though as it's not first party and is perhaps a more minor release, relatively.
On a side note, thank god they didn't include motion controls. I've seen lots of complaints about this but I'm glad they just concentrated all their efforts on one control method. Motion was absolutely terrible in Mario power tennis for the Wii. Buttons and a stick makes for much more precise, skillful control in my opinion...
EDIT:: I only just saw the Nintendo world report hands on preview...
If the situation is as bad as this paints it then that's a real shame. The real crunch is if they really won't let us play friends online as this guy says. That would be the most baffling, idiotic decision. If that's so and taking into account all the single player omissions, then I think we can say with genuine sadness that Camelot really have lost their way. Maybe they have some leadership problems, or some key people have left - or they were just forced to rush it to market. I suspect it's a combination of all three.
Either way, I'll wait until the release before making a judgement.