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Everything posted by JoeBlack

  1. This game is starting to look better and better by the minute. I have to admit, though, that I wasn't very excited about this game when it was first announced. I was always more into it's "sister series" Fire Emblem, but now as more information keeps pouring out i'm not so sure any more. It just seems that everything that BWII does right, FEWii does wrong. The GC iteration was not bad, it just wasn't as groundbreaking as the GBA versions. The problem with the series is that it hasn't gone anywhere they just updated the grafics and even that was a little half-assed and now it seems even those won't be dealt with on the wii. Anyway FE rants aside, both BW and BWII add(ed) something fresh and exciting to the series which is why seems like I will be getting BWII instead of the new FE game. On a side note, wouldn't it be awesome if the name was changed to... Wattalion Wars?
  2. Well, I doubt they would change the graphics much, if anything the changes would most likely be purely cosmetic. I have hard time seeing how it can get slimmer and sexier than it already is.
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