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Everything posted by Crabble

  1. As much as I love WWE, and have done for 20 years, I just can't bring myself to subscribing to the network.
  2. Anybody who yentags is a legend in my eyes. I want it to be a thing. Take down the hashtag conspiracy. ¥EffDemHashesInDaAsterisk If you have been following FRUK you may have seen me reviewing Pepsi Cherry, Twizzlers, 100 Grand and many many more. ¥IWantToBeAFoodEater ¥CantGetAwayFromTheBelly
  3. Didn't Punisher go back too?
  4. I would love to know what allows Quicksilver to appear in both, but prevents Marvel using other X-Men who have been in the Avengers. Obviously there is something in the contract, but would be interested to know how the son and daughter of one of THE biggest elements of the X-Universe slipped through the net. Perhaps Marvel just gave Fox a big FU and said we are going to use them, sue us if you dare.
  5. The one thing I hope for is that it is R-Rated/18. Not just because it is arguable the character needs it to be, but also because it would be something different to the rest of the genre.
  6. Knowing is half the battle! I'm kidding.
  7. Which means you've probably missed all of my hilarious jokes. Shame on you, bro.
  8. So Fox has finally decided to greenlight the Deadpool movie, presumably after the test footage did so well and the success of "off the wall" films like Guardians Of The Galaxy. What do we think? Will this work? Or are we just deluding ourselves? If Reynolds doesn't do it, who would you pick instead?
  9. Reviews food? I don't know, sounds pretty lame.......unless it has a large and balding co-star......
  10. No, not on here previously, and never been on any forum before. So far so good.
  11. To be honest, if Rez tells it true, the reason I am here is because of you @Rummy so thanks.
  12. Thank you for the reassurance. Although I may be dashingly handsome, as quick witted as a Fox and the most intelligent person I have ever known, I am also hugely humble and modest, so this reception has been great. Thanks.
  13. ........dafuq you say that for???? So essentially what I an getting from this thread is that you are definitely not going to give me a Smash Bros 3DS code, right? On an unrelated note, how do I log out and permanently leave this forum forever? The thing about inside jokes though, is that they make a gynecologist party more fun. ¥BadPun ¥ByTheWayIYenTag ¥BeenDoingItBeforeItWasCool ¥UnfortunatelyItNeverWillBeCool ¥InsideJoke ¥ComingBackToTheBeginning By the way, as a fan of Schrodinger I both believe and don't believe your statements at the same time, until I open your box......wait, what?
  14. Is that so? I assumed that the majority of the people on his FB friends list were fake profiles he set up, Catfish style.
  15. Please don't tell me. It was scat related, wasn't it? Wasn't it?!?!???
  16. Please. Don't hold that against me!
  17. Hi guys, Nathan here (or Nate for short). I've been invited to join the forum by ReZourceman and Rummy, just wanted to say thanks and hi to everyone else. Not only am I new to N-Europe, but forums in general, so bear with me if I ejaculate my n00bness everywhere.
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