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Everything posted by moku

  1. I love these debates. Why? Untill someone actually sees a Revolution game in action, pissing and moaning about the "supposed" specs of the machine is pointless, AT BEST. How can anyone have an opinion on the Revolutions specs, when no one actually knows if whats been reported is correct, and no one, NOT EVEN game journalist's have seen actual Revolution games? It's one of my favorite things on the net right now. You can go to a million messege boards, and they all whine about the tech "supposed" specs. People just eat this crap up, and have ZERO to stand on, ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Don't mind me though, carry on as if you know what your talking about.
  2. Smash Brothers announced for the DS. That game will push the Nintendo WiFi service into uncharted territories. That and I would love to test my Smash skills around the world. It just baffles me as to why Nintendo hasn't done it yet. It's absolutly perfect for the system; 1.) It would sell millions in all three territories. 2.) It uses 4 players just like every other DS title.(Online) 3.)It's Nintendo's best selling IP on the Gamecube. That game would create a DS craze, and in Japan in would reach epic levels.(Even moreso then now with the DSLite and all)
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