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  1. Now i know wy the european event is a day later its because of this probebly; 9:15 EST: Mr. Iwata is in flight to Europe to join NOE for presentation later, Perrin says. Perrin says the presentation will last less than an hour and will be followed by a question and answer session. Its from the Ign Live update news. I would say its pritty intresting that he is coming to europe to aid NOE at the event. It means to me that the are not ignoring us XD lets just hope he has a slight of a diffrant speech XD
  2. I dont think this is a video of someone playing. It looks more like a showoff movie to show what it can handle. cuzz if the area's you go trough looks like this it would be damn boring. But i doubt it that this is for wii. I hoop so tho:hmm:
  3. Well when you look at the time table on the E3 site there are still 2 spots free. Maybe one for sony and nintendo? 3.5 - No session this time slotThursday, May 11, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Room 408B Moderator: Panelists: 2.8 - No session this time slotThursday, May 11, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Room 406AB Moderator: Panelists: just a gues maybe someone here knows the exact day and time *o w8 thats probebly not posible right? cuzz then the exebitions are allready on the go?
  4. ooooh, can't w8 for the E3! seems like gamespot got a nice spot right next to nintendo, luckybastards:indeed:
  5. Hmmm i dont realy like the name bluwave. Atleast it doesnt realy tell you what the revolution is, well not that we know of. If you refresh wiki from time to time you can see it changing from revo to bluwave on and on. it happend allready 3 times in 15 min XD(the pictures wherent working so i was refreshing allot :P) But please dont let this be the true name can realy make a good short name out it like rev or revo
  6. I have to say i was stund when i saw the screens for the first time. but now i see the bigger screens i see that the charachter models aint that great as i thought they where. but you can surtanly say that the lighting is done pritty good. Only i dont think that this game wil have the best graphics on the rev. I mean they dont even know how much power they can get out of the revolution. ther still working with a not finishd development kit right? And maybe they put more effort in using the controler than the graphics just like nintendo wants developers to do right? I think for very good graphics we need to w8 for a nintendo title or maybe a square enix game. When i first saw SSB melee for the cube i was stund to by the graphics and i still think that it looks great. but tell me what do you think makes the game?
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