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  1. @DiemetriX: It would be great if you could convince them, but I can't give them away for free as I don't really sell them.. Cafepress does and they give me a couple of buck for the effort I could however offer a reward to the person who manages to get one of my shirts into an 'official' E3 picture/video on a gaming website.. Like a little contest @Nintendork: Thanks for being honest. I really do prefer the wow shirt without the back graphic myself.. maybe I'll change/remove it. @anyone-who-wonder-what-that-other-graphic-represents It's: E3+nintendo logo+Revolution front/light all rolled into one. @everbody who likes what I did: THANK YOU!
  2. What do you guys think of my t-shirt designs over at cafepress.com/eraze1 ? (Sorry can't post a direct link:hmm: ) In true Nintendo style they're not about the eyecandy, but about good concepts My goal for these designs is to see one pop up at E3 so if you know anyone attending the show.... :P ----------------- These shirts are not my lifes work or anything just something I was thinking about and had to get done before E3 in my very little spare time. Considering certain copyright issues I really can't go all out with my ideas without getting into somekind of trouble.. at least that's what I think.
  3. Do any of you have suggestions for the concept of another "Seal" or "Bring it on|" wallpaper? I have asked on other boards before, but I'd like to see what people on a creative board like this one have to say...
  4. Good to see you people like them My latest addition, a return to the original "bring it on|" style: "bring it on|" #17
  5. Start the Revolution early :thumbsup by spreading these wallpapers! Click for full view "sayWow" series: #01 "Seal" series: #04 #03 #02 #01 "Bring it on|" series: #17#16 #15 #14L #14R #13 #12 #11 #10 #09 #08 #07 #06 #05 #04 #03 #02 #01 Revolution box art ReggieSMB Metroid And as a bonus...."Bring it on|" #10-evolved 8) (non-wallpaper) #10-evolved and my DS redesign: DS-redesign
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