1-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Nintendo 64'
Simply the best game ever created.
2-Super Mario 64 'Nintendo 64'
The feeling of 3D in all it's glory.
I remember myself the first time I saw Super Mario 64 in action.
I was like 'that can't be real'
When I bought my Nintendo 64 with Mario I remember myself wakling and running around the castle for about 2 hours, doing.....nothing just walking and running,climbing on to the trees and swimming in the water.
For the first time in my life 2 hours of nothing where so fun.
Even today, almost 10 years later, Super Mario 64 is the king of platform games.
3-Super Mario Bros. 3 'NES'
Another masterpiece...
What can I say about this one?
The level design, the music, everything was so perfect...
Best 2D Mario and best 2D platform EVER.
4- Super Metroid 'SNES'
What a game!
That's what I say every time I see the Super Metroid logo.
One of the best SNES games 'if not the best'.
5- Chrono Trigger 'SNES'
Best RPG of the 16 bit era, end one of the best games of all time.