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Meneer Guggenheimer

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  1. As an 30 year old I sold of my nintendo collection. I have no time for it anymore being a dad and having a full time job. But I will play Twighlight Princess but I was wondering, buy a cube with ZTP? or wait for the Revolution? On the other hand I thing TP will be the launch title for the Revolution. It will be the big surprise Nintendo is hinting. Why would you release the game for the dead Game Cube if the Revolution is coming out a couple of months later.
  2. Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Conkers Bad Fur Day Mario Kart 64 Super Mario 64 Golden Eye Perfect Darl Pilot Wings Shadow of the Empire That's it!
  3. 1: Majora's Mask (N64) Why? It is darker, it has improvements over Ocarina and was a much more orginal story. It really made me feel sad. And the levels where much nicer! To short though... 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES) I prefer this over any Mario game. It is my favorite replay games. And "Touch Fizzy get Dizzy" I love and keep playing it! And still have not made world to 6-7 100 3: Super Mario 64 (N64) When I saw this I could not believe video games where ever going to be nicer and better then this. And flying around in the game was the best 3D experience ever. 4: Pilot Wings (N64) One of the most relaxing games ever. Well balanced and missed on the Cube. Can not imagine that this game will not be released on the Revo, with that controller! 5: Mario Kart 64 (N64) Forget Mario Party. This is the only real multi player party game. All versions are excellent but the N64 version has the best battle mode. We played this forever! But we also should do best "memories" of games. because that would be a different top 5....
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