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Matt M

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  • Favourite Game?
    Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Guybrush Threepwood
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  • Xbox Live Username
    MattM UK

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I haven't either, but it's dispatched & completed in my account page, so I'm not worried
  2. My status has just changed to being picked! Check your status guys!
  3. That's good news, how can you check balance if you haven't set up online banking? If I went to a cash machine and got a mini-statement, would it be on there yet?
  4. Anyone rung GP to see just what on earth's going on with the orders?
  5. I'll be so annoyed if I don't get mine, I ordered the day afternoon they went up
  6. About 5pm on the day they went up.
  7. Gameplay still have mine as 'Pre-Ordered'. Anyone else? I'm getting even more worried now.
  8. I shouldn't think this is the case, I have order for a Wii console and just two other games but am still in the 'Preordered' / No e-mail state. Baring in mind though, GP's system does take a long time to update.
  9. Yeah, If I don't get any movement on the order then I'll definetly ring them. Maybe GP just haven't got around to process my order yet.
  10. I haven't had any movement on my Gameplay order either. I didn't receive an e-mail regarding payment early, but I did recieve the "You have Wii' e-mail confirming I'll have one for launch. I'm starting to get worried, other people's orders have been picked and dispatched (for friday), while mine still says 'Pre-Ordered'. Did I enter the payment details wrong
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