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About GGG

  • Birthday 10/29/1973

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  1. Is it possible to play these two games in multiplayer mode with normal controllers and without GBA?
  2. Nintendo VIP is not available in Slovenia so these stars are useless for me. I have 1050 stars - how much can I expect for them? For how many stars would someone trade an old GC game?
  3. I am buying the game for 8-years old kid, not for me. Both games cost the same in Austria (50+€ Colosseum, 59,99 XD). PS Can you recommend any internet shop for GC games - that can ship games to Slovenia (for a reasonable price), besides GAME and freerecordshop?
  4. Hello I have been visiting revo europe for some time, but this is my first question as a member. I have bought GC two months ago (clearance sale - 48€ for GC + Mario Kart DD & Zelda WW). Needless to say, me and my son have quickly become big Nintendo fans. He is also a big Pokemon fan and next month is his birthday. I think that Pokemons on GC would be a great present. So, which game is bettter?
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