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Posts posted by Mr_Master_X2

  1. They're not. But Partners in Time has a final boss that most people think takes too long.

    I think they just suck, because not once has it ever lasted more than 10-15 minutes, all three forms and cutscenes.

    Bowser's Inside Story probably has the longest final boss out of those three, but that seems to get a free pass because of how cool that fight is.


    I think most of these guys will be happy with the last boss on THIS game. Short and easy. Pathetic really... I was waiting for it to change form, have two or three forms. Something more. VERY disappointing.


    I want MORE from these games (M&L/PM). I don't get why Nintendo had that big questionare to see what people wanted from the games. The only one they listened to was incorporating tutorials better. Hopefully by the NX's time Nintendo will be focusing on different Mario themes and not "NSMB Simple," whch will be when the next games come out.

  2. I don't remember the bosses battles being that long in Super Star Saga, Partners in Time or Bowser's Inside Story.


    I seem to remember Dream Team's being longer. Still good games, though. This game missed the mark by not being a true clash of games, though. NSMB copy 'n' paste characters set was just...bland (just stop this, Nintendo). The game's good but the potential was massive. Partners should have played a role, even if just story characters. Also, the book itself should have had sections to play through...maybe get sucked into the book at certain sections to retrieve special items to solve normal world areas (in fact...perfect spot for partner characters! PM remembers a partner's abilities, you jump in the book, play trough a level and bring them back with you!)


    You know, all this boss whining is starting to sound like the final boss from Partners In Time.

    I swear, once I get this, if I blitz through them, I'm gonna be very disappointed in you.


    Believe me...you WILL blitz it. I am not the greatest player and been ill a lot lately while playing and this on max diff. setting and just walked through this, in all honesty. It only took so long because of the huge break I took.


    It DOES have that same annoying "if you want 100% you have to be God-like perfect" extra quests though, which will make you just throw the game away after rather than do them.

  3. Just finished this a few hours ago after taking a break (started trying to do all "extras" and some were bugging me, then Christmas took over and it's been at least a week...) No idea if I'll go for everything. Just challenge list, two blocks missing, some expensive items to buy, last rank/levels, arcade stuff and full card list (shiny card hunting sounds like a time gobbling up hell...) I'll probably do everything but the shiny card hunt and the hard arcade stuff.


    I wouldn't say the bosees are endurance tests, if anything they're shorter and easier than the previous two games. So don't really see that... I mean they ARE bosses after all and are meant to be a challenge (maybe you guys are under-levelled or using the wrong moves?)


    But then again gamefaqs is full of people who found the game too hard (certain bits) even on EASY. Players today, eh? I guess if you've played previous games you'll already be an expert on a big percentage of moves...and the only way I could see anyone finding it hard or bosses an endurance is if this is their first one and zero clue what to do. If so...always train your moves.




    Also...Koopalings bosses. Concentrate on KO'ing one of them, then the other switches to wand super magic attacks which you can counter for huuuuuge damage and take them out in a hit or two.


    Cards will make the game much, much easier (especially bosses) so don't be afraid to buy some god ones at stores. Certain shiny paper enemies drop shiny version of cards so don't be afraid to spam paper enemies to get good ones. No idea about Amiibo cards as I don't have any.


    Personally I used all my early rank bonuses on Gear Slots. Then Extra Copies for Paper Mario. Later on Counterattack 200% is great and if you're good will help do massive damage. If anyting, even early on a huge chunk of your damage should be coming from counters. Pretty much all of the "bonus stat at level up" are useless as the stat up is so minor by the time it equates to much...the game is over.


    Beans...gotta eat 'em all! Paper Mario has the lowest HP but since he is usually protected by copies it's pretty much a waste to give him the HP beans. Give BP ones to whoevers BP you use the most and run out of of (unlikely, but syrups/candies are common).


    Moves. Yes there's flashy ones. But c'mon, there's a really good chance of cocking some up and then you don't do much... Luigi's Drill is great even until the end, Mario's Chainball is excellent, too. They're both quick use, too. If you're crap at the long, big flashy moves...just don't use them. All you'll do is likely fail, waste time, effort, bp and turns...to do the same damage you could have done with something that used less bp and was quick 'n' easy.


    There's a certain item you can buy with challenge points at stores that gives Paper Mario a one copy refill each turn...very useful early on will save you wasting turns using copy.

  4. Yeah, I think Pokemon is the perfect game for a hybrid!! Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon are perfect for it! One at launch, one six months in, one a year later! Imagine the sales!!


    I don't know why, and it doesn't really have anything to do with your post, but I imagined some sort of Zelda Monster Hunter game being a launch release for NX. More actiony, no carving but chest/drops instead, with all normal baddies from the series and EVERY boss as giant monsters (giga size, too), with Hyrule Town as your base, with huge open world areas to roam...and multiplayer co-op!


    With Nintendo's increased developement teams for NX, we should hopefully get at least one of every IP. There's still gaps, though. I think NX needs some FPS's if it's to attract other audiences.


    And a more serious racer. F-Zero could be marketted as a more serious racer, give it parts buying/customization, even design your own player. The usual single/multi play modes. Some sort of story campaign mode, too. Obviously keep all the characters, maybe even add Starfox characters and have them fully officially in the same universe, maybe even a stage set on Corneria.


    Maybe even an FPS set in the Starfox universe? Not a Starfox game, but totally new characters. Something with a Halo/Star Wars theme.


    I think if Nintendo did an FPS we'd see something with adventure and rpg elements and treasure, some sort of family friendly Borderlands type game,

  5. I put a few hours into this last night ( Shopto FTW! ) and have enjoyed what i've played so far. I never played Dream Team, due to all negative reviews/impressions, so this feels very new to me.


    The humour is typically on point. There were a few times where I have found myself laughing away at the dialogue. The two Bowsers bickering has been great to watch. While it's been great having the game early, it's been a bit of a bummer that I couldn't record some of the hilarious moment due to Miiverse not being up yet. :(


    When both Bowsers attack the castle and go to kidnap the Princess Peach, they both look at each other and say " I guess it's that time again ".



    Another example of my laughing was when the princesses are trapped in a cage. 3D Peach is wondering how to get out of the cage and then the 2D princess simply walks through the bars of the 3D cage. I laughed way harder than I should at that.



    The battle system is the same as previous games and I was happy to see that many of the tutorials were optional. It meant I could get straight into the action and only look up the new things that crop up.


    I've had a battle using the Papercraft Mario. This was pretty fun. You have to dash into the enemies either before they do a dash or from behind them. This causes them to topple and then you can throw your papercraft giant at the fallen enemy. You then have to quickly scamper to pick him up and start the process again. However, you have an energy gauge, which means you can't constantly keep attacking. To refill it you need to stand on a special spot and do a very simplistic rhythm game.


    The first boss fight in the game was quite fun, as well. There's the usual attacking going that you do in a normal fight but then there's also a little mini game in between. It's kept the battle feeling fresh.


    Speaking of mini games, I've had a few that require you to find hidden Paper Toads. There's a Lakitu building that offers to help find missing Toads. You pay them a fee, they find the location of them and then you get transported to the area they are hiding. You then have the task of finding or chasing down these missing toads. It's a fun little distraction.


    Honestly, it feels good to play a charming Nintendo game again. I've seen a lot of people claiming this is a filler title ( probably due to using assets from Sticker Star and Dream Team ) but it certainly doesn't feel like one. I've brought my 3DS to work with me so I can continue my adventure during my lunch break.


    Dream Team was excellent. The tutorials YES were an utter nuisance, and the game babying you with non-stop explanation certainly caused slow points, but overall was just as good as the others. It's no PM TTYD, but then what is? I'd pick it up after this if I were you.


    Aaaaargh...where's my copy of this?!

  6. Still no badges I'm super interested in, but the three free plays gave me all 7 Koopalings, so I'm happy with that. And then I got another free play from the practice catcher and nabbed the entire Metal Mario/Pink Gold Peach set with that. Pretty good.


    Hopefully the Picross release next week means we're getting Pokémon badges then.


    If this had been released years ago here no doubt I'd have spent money on it, as I'd likely have gone insane trying to get all the Animal Crossing ones while I was addicted to the game New Leaf. Missed opportunity for the rest of the world that, especially considering how popular it was here. Bit worried about Pokemon badges, though, as it may be the thing to get me hooked. Also like the looks of those MM/WW Zelda badges... You can make folders be the bottles, right?

  7. 128/128 on single player finished some days ago after coming back to it from a break. 29/128 on multiplayer. Probably will never finish as I don't have the time to waste on one good game out of five due to trolls/lag/disconnections (and then it's usually one I'd done, as I just select can't decide otherwise everyone turns into quitting little babies "waah waah, I didn't get my level picked")


    Got ALL the suits, too. Just reset me and my bro's old 3DS's for friend tokens. May just sell now as that update looks pretty much multiplayer intensive.

  8. What's going on with the hotspot thing? Is the cloud still working? I used to get hundreds of streetpasses in York and Leeds last summer, and this past week I've had very few. In fact in Leeds I walked around the city centre for an hour and only got ONE streetpass. Anyone know what's going on? I wanna get all the purple puzzle pieces before I go back to Russia and at this rate I won't manage it.


    There's a google map style locator for zones, you can use it to plan your route around an area. It's what I do.


    Aww...I hoped this might be about new Streetpass Games.

  9. These reviews are doing nothing to lower my hype for the game. Then again, I suppose I figured from the start that this was a game that would appeal to me and basically nobody else. :heh:


    Really excited for Friday!


    Didn't Famitsu give it all 8s? That's a good score. The problem with these types of games is...when you let people review them who don't like these types of games. They're made for very specific fans.

  10. I'd love to help but I'm still on the first G-rank... So I'd just be getting in the way.


    Damn I was enjoying this game, but stopped so my bro could catch up and play co-op. He NEVER did (similar thing happened with MHU3). Been months now. Two players is fine, decent challenge, but four player sounds like misery boredom. I assume it would just be me watching three other elite players in g-rank gear kill monsters in two seconds flat over and over until complete. Not very fun. Am I wrong? (Honest answer please).

  11. Just another one of Nintendo's ideas they gave up on. I mean THEY created the control scheme for heaven's sake. They do this, create some odd control scheme, give us one (or two!) game using it then just abandon it. All their alt control ideas are criminally underused such as remote+, wii mat, touch screen, mic etc. Where's the Nintendo Land 3DS? There's a plethora of unique 3DS abilities underused by Nintendo that could give us a great 3DS version.

  12. I got frustrated with GT because I nearly never got to race the cars I liked the most. But that's not really the point. In Gran Turismo, there's a large mix. There are dozens of championships, each one mixing in different courses into the mix. Then there are single races where you only race one track.

    In Mario Kart you have no choice: If you want to play Yoshi Valley, you have to race the other tracks in that championship in the exact same order. Not to mention that you unlock stuff by random, which is infinitely frustrating. Being a Mario Kart 64 lover, I wanted to unlock the Pipe Kart as soon as I got the game. But due to the randomness, the Pipe Kart was the last thing I ever unlocked. I had at that point unlocked Mirror Cup and played countless hours online.




    It doesen't matter. 2D platformers are still waaaay to big of a part of Nintendo's lineup. It doesen't really matter if Nintendo made 5 sidescrollers for the Wii U or 12, when ONE is enough. Sidescrollers don't sell consoles, PERIOD. They don't impress the general public, they're not what people talk about all the time from the moment it's announced until years after it's released.

    Let's be honest: what are you more hyped for: Yarn Yoshi or Fallout 4? Kirbys Something in Whatever or Metal Gear Solid V? Animal Crossing: Amiibo Cashcow or Star Wars Battlefront? While YOU may perhaps pick the Nintendo alternatives, 90% of the market won't.



    It's idiotic to release a whole bunch of first party sidescrollers when the eShop is crammed full with indie sidescrollers which aren't of considerably worse quality than the first party stuff.

    The Wii U should've launched with an epic, open world adventure which made all the graphics mongers jizz in their pants. NOT a sidescroller and a minigame compilation. The next first party release should've been a racing game, showcasing vehicle models so real that you could feel the smoothness of the paintjob against your skin and physics so advanced you could taste them. Instead Nintendo churned out a second god damned minigame compilation.


    IMO, that, and nothing else, gave the Wii U it's terrible start and subsequently doomed the system.


    The first game released should have been the epic Super Mario U(niverse). That sadly only exists in the imagination of fans...

  13. Anyone up for playing tonight?


    Has anyone not played it much and still early on?


    I think my internet finally stabalised, but I've been on Coliseum trying to get items for cheetah suit to ace some of the time trials. Some are obscenely easy when you know the route/hourglasses, but some I seem to fail even when I make no mistakes. Frustrating. I'll add some more FC now on this page, so anyone feel free to add me.

  14. Sometimes with this thread, I feel this keeps happening








    Yep. Those are sales that most developers would kill for, and to do it on an install base which is so low is nothing short of phenomenal. 3DS, DS and Wii had great sales of Nintendo titles too


    ...and that's low when you consider a certain games series our Serebii knows and loves. What do they sell...like 12+ million or something...? It's crazy. Yet "Nintendoomed" we are. LOL

  15. Interestingly, single player gives you more time to do those. So they did take that into account. The first stage only gives you 15 seconds on multi if I remember rightly.


    I see. Oh well, I'll take more notice next time! ^_^ On the subject, had a cracking time trial orb on water temple yesterday with players who actually KNEW what they were and didn't just accidentally select the stage. LOL
