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Posts posted by Mr_Master_X2

  1. Clearly important enough for them to change the design this time round.


    On an unrelated note, is anyone else totally nonplussed about rumble HD?


    Could be good for a new Silent Hill or Resident Evil. But they'd be multiplat and likely built around the PS4 engine so would include minor "shoved in" use.


    Maybe some sort of "blind maze man" game where you have to shut your eyes (or just make screen black, but others wouldn't see what's going on and cheer you on. Maybe through online? As teams or audience?) and guide yourself through a maze based on the strength of vibrations. There'd be various traps, enemies, "wall types" etc. marked by different vibrations and sound distance (that 3D sound). It could actually make a pretty incredibly unique puzzle game. Other players could even use the full-3d motion+ to interact with objects and other stuff. SLASH YOUR SWORD! DUCKk! MOVE TO THE LEFT!


    ^(OMG did I just describe KNIGHTMARE the video game…?)

  2. Disappointed with this news. Never actually played a FE game, and to be honest, from the screenshots I've seen it seems like this may as well be just Dynasty Warriors with similar "warrior good guys and bad guys." But then…like I said, not played one. I was hoping for something crazier like HW of DQH. Some sort of Nintendo Warriors with stuff from all across the board (including FE, obviously). Giant Bowser and Ridley stalking the battlefields. Playable Yoshi with his own army etc.squad of hatched Yoshis.

  3. Though not shown, I'm guessing this is what Miyamoto's T-shirt was about; a Feudal Japan world.


    I see the globe on Mario's ship and it makes me think he's travelling the world (like Odyssey) but each new world gave off a different vibe and design almost like parallel worlds. Hmmm. No sign of ? Blocks, though.

  4. Mario Kart 8 *is* the best Mario Kart, but unless this has new racing tracks, this may prove to be a hard sell for many...


    Love Mario Kart, but yes, without new racing tracks this is a zero buy for me. Since it's not due out for a while, wouldn't surprise me if there ARE new tracks, though and they're just holding off showing them.

  5. With this and 1-2 it makes me glad to see Ninety hasn't ditched it's motion stuff. Heck, it all seems to have gotten better and more intricate. This is essentially Wii Boxing's evolution. Why do I now expect a Wii "Crazy" Golf Evolution where after putting the ball it goes flying through the air, sprouts wings and then you have to motion guide it through some crazy sky obstacle course to the hole...?

  6. It clearly uses the motion+ 3D movement sensing/HD rumble features, camera features etc.


    It looks like there's plenty of mini games (there seems a huge amount just shown, probably many more, each with slight variations on control and reflex challenges), but essentially it looks like some sort of duelling game (rock/paper/scissors is mentioned as being able to be sensed by the controller, too). Dispute/argument settler? It's meant as a simple party game and for just people wanting a quick laugh. I see it becoming a popular drinking game. While not a "gamer's game" I can see this becoming some humongous fad. You wait and see.


    Wouldn't surprise me if there's Wario Ware style single player, too.

  7. I know the recent rumour is Pokémon Stars, but alas:


    Well, Sinnoh is next in order. No problem there. The problem doesn't occur until next gen with remakes of BW. Y'know, because of the sequels and the fact BW2 has huuuuuuuge postgame and game in general. Considering ORAS ditched Emerald stuff, and no third Kalos and intended extras, BW remake is going to be barebones with ZERO BW2 stuff. It's going to be very dissapointing.

  8. The English trailer girl from that artificial island mentions "other worlds" as well as Pokemon from that world in her speech, then in the Japanese trailer you see UB-01 coming out of a portal/wormhole...hmm. Is Alola getting invaded? LOL

  9. It seems the update come with a nice surprise. I went to the Cinema last night and took my 3DS with me to get some passes for the slot car game from a relay that was close by. I got 6 passes and went to the puzzle game. You now get bonus pieces! I ended up getting 15 from one guy and got 50 puzzle pieces in total from just 6 people. Crazy!


    Sweet! It stores 100 people, too. Plus there's quick access feture, too. Also, the Anouma special Mii's last game played is Triforce Heroes. I hope that's a hint "don't forget the game, that last bit of dlc is due soon."

  10. Your list is a little skewed. Donkey Kong on the 3DS, but not the Wii U list. 11.4 GB



    I don't play any game less than 44GB, otherwise what's the point?



    The fact that no single game took up all of the available storage space is barely true. Lego City clocks in at 22GB. Now disregarding that, it's just silly to say "32GB is fine because no single game is that large." Should we only care about more storage once games are literally as large as our storage? Personally I like having more than one game installed at a time. It's pretty convenient to not have to redownload a game each time I might want to play.


    And it's great that Nintendo games are typically much smaller, but you can max out the Wii U with just 2 titles. Donkey Kong and Smash Bros.


    I'm sure there's something about lossless compression here; there's techniques for cartridges/cards that let you fit waaaay more data than it says it can hold, wheras bluray holds so much they don't really bother with high end compression at all anymore. In the end, storage wise, it may make no difference. Unless I've been hearing fibs.

  11. Mad as in you'd be mad, or it'd be mad? I definitely think it would be awesome to see some familiar faces or incarnations from the past series!


    As much as I'd like to see him, I'd take the previous things with a pinch of salt myself @Mr_Master_X2 - this is a guaranteed 2015 release after all ;)


    Wasn't it like on the official twitter though...? Most at the time just assumed a Hyrule Warriors character, but that's not happened. Cancelled character...?

  12. Not sure if news, but some recognizable characters may be making a return to this.


    https://www.destructoid.com/koroks-return-in-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-380716.phtml - Koroks are back!



    Also there's a brief vid of the Temple of Time(we already knew about that one, right?) -


    MM's Mask Salesman was confirmed to be returning in a Zelda game a year or so back (other than MM3D) and has YET to reappear. Given this game's unintended delays...could it be BotW?

  13. Yawn. *falls asleep*


    Got excited in NX topic saying there was a big new content and it's just invite characters with Amiibos. LOL


    That's not lots of great big new content... It's just a new way to access already existing content. I thought it was ACTUAL new content. I almost shit myself.

  14. Nothing much I'd say. It's not the doom and gloom most are exagerating it to. Somethings will be better, some will be worse...most temporarily. Both sides loved their fearmongering campaigns that it was just laughable. So many of the "vote leave means you're racist" LOL Are people REALLY that easily programmed/triggered?


    It'd be nice if we got stuff released quicker, which theoreticaly IS possible, but no doubt Nintendo will continue their many multi language EU version out of convenience.

  15. I think generally speaking Nintendo aren't hot on deep storylines, but Zelda is the deepest - so I'm not too fearful of there being less of a story - especially with the way BotW opens up, as well as the elusive races that were in the demo.


    But I remain hopeful with this due to the fact that new, young developers are being allowed to breath life into this game. I love the bold changes already.




    Was this shown on day 2?


    I believe ice arrows were shown, too. But the fire rod/ice arrows got a low showing compared to other weapons.

  16. All I'm saying is, if the storyline (ie. the overall narrative) of this game demands a desolate Hyrule in ruin, with Link tasked with returning it to its former glory, then I want the NPCs in the game to reflect that, and I'm sure they will.


    I believe the story will be focused around milestones ie reaching certain points, getting certain items or dungeons. I'd say there'll be a MM style NPC situation where the side quests you go on for them fill in the details of te world. Basically meaning the story's as short or as indepth as you like. Other game's have used this very method and it can work. Heck, the game could have more story and world-building than previous entries; you just have to look for it by undertaking the optional quests (maybe).

  17. I was referring to 2012 and last years E3 as 'bad'.


    I haven't dismissed this years as bad, as obviously it hasn't even began. I'm simply not hyped for it off the back of previous showings.




    Hmm whats the likelihood mini-game ala Starfox Guard being sold with Zelda U as an apology?


    Link's Crossbow Training 2! Online/offline co-op, huge levels facing off against hordes and big bosses. Some sort of weak/strength system for enemies with you having different elemental arrows. Tool weapons for more complicated levels. With a big achievement mission list.

  18. Well of course my mind goes to and remembers Nintendo's bad showings - Theres no reason why an E3 event should be 'bad' especially when showcasing a new console.


    And can we please stop referring to Sony everytime someone highlights something negative about Nintendo. I don't have an agenda, I'm just more of a Nintendo fan than I am anything else.


    I don't see how E3 this year can be bad. Playable demos/reveals of new stuff for their top selling 3DS game and likely top-selling Wii U/NX game... We've had crap E3s before then Zelda appears and people scream it's the best E3 ever. That wasn't a dig, just a direct reply (incase anyone is getting frisky for an argument).

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