Hey guys
I am Sarah. I have a Nintendo 3ds with some games like: Zelda ocarina of time 3d, Luigi's mansion 2, super mario 3d land, mario kart 7, professor Layton etc. I am a real Zelda fan, I love to draw gamecharacters(most are zeldacharacters.) I am interest in game art. But I am a real Nintendo fan not only the 3ds, also the wii, gamecube, n64, gba, dslite are really great.
I hope I will enjoy this website. The reason why I made this account is because the dutch Nintendo Moustache Contest, but I will be also active after the deadline.
You can win a Wii U. And ofcourse I want to play The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker HD!
In order to win this Contest, I can really use your votes.. So check out the link in my signature and vote for my Moustache pic!
Thank you!
PS: I want to show you the Zelda drawings but is there an option ''upload from your computer?''