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Everything posted by lazerblaze

  1. I'm thinking that the part with the lazers is the danger room this is the best way to introduce sentinels (which if you go onto x3movie.com, the official site you can see in the intro) without having to go into detail about where they are from as the government seems quite mutant friendly in this film as beast appears to be quite high up politically. I dont think the memorial is for jean as it is being led by storm instead of xavier, i've only ever seen storm leading the Xmen when two other characters have been out of commision so I think the memorial is for them. Also Moira McTaggart is in this film, maybe just to attend her friends funeral? Also, this hasnt been mentioned yet; the official pics of callisto and emma frost (who if I remember correctly was a pivotal part in the hellfire/dark phoenix saga and so may be used by magneto to control jean and is played by the incredibly hot Ashley Hartman) that are hidden in the files of the site. Bring on the morlocks too, Leech is also listed in the credits. Other favourites in the credits include multiple man, siryn, M, Jubilee and Omega Red!
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