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Posts posted by ndreamer

  1. it's possible but i don't think it will happen major engines support opengl anyway especially when all the major consoles are supporting it now, if the wii does have support it would need a windows operating system as well which add's to cost as well as performance.

  2. dreamcast actualy had both opengl & directx7 support with a windows ce embeded operating system. If nintendo did licence directx it whould not be to improve power it whould be to make porting games a bit easier.

    directx doesn't make games faster at all if anything it will make them slower.

  3. I hate to be a voice of doubt, but there were several 360 games that were actually released before the console itself. If the console is released in the first week of November, this game might still come out "in October."


    that happens all the time, even a few days before the launch of the gamecube you could pick up titles early. but there is a very good chance that it will be october matt even said it in his podcast last week.

  4. im kinda leaning towards mario not being a launch title also, if nintendo releases all there big names at launch sure theres going to be allot of games but at the same time there will be this big gap of no or little amount of titles it whould also give 3rd partys a chance.


    if they release with a decent and broad line up and follow it up with high quality games like mario every so many months it will increase intrest in the console.

  5. well the the gamecube LSI chip was the flipper it had the graphics, sound & a bit of memory it was also the reason why it was so cheap & fast.


    wii's setup should be similer except a new gpu, more texture memory, updated sound hardware & what other stuff they have made over the last few years.

  6. my bet is still on a ppu of sorts, not a dedicated one but ppu extensions actualy built in to the cpu. hopfully the game does come to the wii theres lots in that trailer they could actualy do (gameplay wise) with the wiiremote.

  7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first one, not the arcade one)


    most of those older turtles games where great, i loved the arcade one also. personaly i hope nintendo gets some arcade games as well like the capcom vs series and some light gun games (virtual cop please!) to show of the wiiremote.

  8. yeah it whould be cool if they did that, thats basicly what nintendo is afraid of with the ds. all i want from the servise really is voice chat a beater game listing. i really don't like being limited to the find a game feature on the ds.

  9. when i first seen the name i thought it was prononced (Why) which didn't make since and when i heard i means (We) it makes even less since, but i can deal with the name but Rev, Revolution, RS or DW (dual wield) if the system came with two controlers could have been beater.

  10. i absolutly hate playing gt, pg racing games i just carn't stand going arround a track over and over again at least with mario kart, burnout games every race is so intence you dodge shells/traffic ect and the last few secounds of the race even if you are winning you still could get blue shelled and lose the race.


    the control scheme hasn't even been announced yet, so i don't know how you can call it bullshit.

  11. i saw something of the neogaf boards yesterday by some reader, that said nintendo was looking for idears for a racing title (they asked the company he worked for at the time).


    I wonder if the game is the once canned thunder rally (also known as car combat) by retro studio's be very cool if it is epecialy since the game was nearly complete on the gamecube and whould of had a long time to develope it for the revolution.

  12. evan if there cheap to make they still need to make back money from the R&D which was millions.

    not sure how much £20 but considering the wavebird was $70(aud) it will be at least arround that mark and if it does have rumble features in both the controler and the nunchku it will need a non standed battery like the ds which adds a bit more cost.
