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  1. 1. Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC): - The Greatest RPG in existance, and unfortunately, completely underapreciated. The characters are wonderfully developed, the story is funny, deep, and very original, and the soundtrack was so good, it forced me to download it. Most importantly of all, though, it has lots of pretty flashing lights. This was one of the games that decided my console choice. It's in a totally different league than every other game, which is probably what prompted me to beat it more than 10 times. 2. Resident Evil 4 (GC): Shotguns, Zombies, Heads Exploding, Schoolgirls offering some "overtime." 3. Tales of Phantasia (Super Famicom): 2d RPG's at their best, and the most interesting ending I've come across... buy it when it come out on the GBA 4. Advanced Wars: Dual Strike (DS): The most addictive strategy game I've ever played... 87 hours so far with no sign of stopping 5. Perfect Dark (N64): 64 fps's at their peak, because of the Goldeneye elements plus so much more
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