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Everything posted by kingotnw

  1. Temp limited RGB colour fix solution

    I'm sorry, but stating the limited RGB is not a problem, as the poster above seems to be implying, is flat out wrong. Right out of the box it is immediately noticeable to me. My tv (actually all 4 of them) are all set up for full range RGB, as that is what everything I own pushes to the TV. All of my devices run into a high end receiver, and from there into the TV, so adjusting the black levels for a limited range is not so easy for me. I would have to go into the TV menu every time and do this, as well as cranking down the game slider in game. They just need to put the option there to fix this. For instance... I don't ever use anything like Netflix or Hulu plus on my WiiU over my PS3 due to the fact that my TV black levels are not set for that. It looks horribly washed out compared to everything else. Saying that most people's TVs don't have that feature, at least here in America, is ridiculous. As I stated earlier, all four of my TVs have full RGB capability. I'm in the US though, and maybe the standard is more common here than in Euorpe. All in all, I just don't understand why they have not included the option to enable it. Clearly the machine has the capability to do so if they want it to. Why make it so hard for me? I should NOT have to go into my TV menu and adjust setting back and forth every time my WiiU is used.