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About Beni

  • Birthday 01/25/1979

Personal Information

  • Real Name
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  • Interests
    Computers, Photography, Music, Gaming
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Super Nintendo 16bit & now the Wii U
  • Other Systems Owned
    none!... PC & Macs, Ipad, Iphone, etc..
  • Favourite Game?
    coming soon...
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    old: Ken of Street Fighter, now... (coming soon)
  • Gender

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  1. Hi there :)


    My outer delivery box was in pristine condition, aswell as the nintendo box.. I buy quite a lot online, mostly from ebay (china and usa) and have never experienced any box damage. (well once, but that was a norwegian shoe company, the box had been in rough handling, it had even holes in it!... but no shoes was harmed!) :P glad it was shoes!


    I´ve heard that the wii u isnt fixed on any location.. not even being from one country or another, it ask you where you are, and depending on what country you say you live in, the eshop works accordingly. Thats why a lot of people in Europe, buying the console overseas (USA), are registering on Brazil (allowing them to use their visa, cause brazil accepts all), or register in the USA and then having to buy credits on ebay... <-- not a problem, but will keep you from impulse shopping! :P and that doesnt need to be a bad thing..

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