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Everything posted by Syaoran

  1. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (hours and hours trying to live through that bitch attacks), the "head hunters" from Resident Evil series (if I die one more time with one of those I prefer suicide), Miniblins from Wind Waker are very irritating too indeed ^^; I guess there a lot of other monsters that keep stressing me until the end but for now...
  2. You guys ask for such a troublesome thing to do But I will try to think about my favourite Nintendo games of all time: 1- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64) -> of course, this one has to be the number 1, there's no such game as this one with great graphics, great music , great story and many excitement. Such and adventure like this one will never happen again, however I think that the next Zelda (Twilight Princess) if done right, can surpass this one, but I'll have to wait and see... 2- Chrono Trigger (SNES) -> without doubts this game deserves the best place after OoT, with such a fantastic story and one of the best battle systems that exist, I can't really explain it with words but this game really has a place in my heart... just play it and you will see... 3- Final Fantasy VI (SNES) -> This game is so incredible that it's really hard for me to put it behind Chrono Trigger, because I have the same feelings for both of them but only one can be the number 2 here... however for me they're both fantastic. This game has one of the best OST I've ever heard in a videogame, and a story like this one is hard to think, but somehow Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) thought of a way for put it into a videogame and I congratulate them for that. 4- The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (N64) -> This is once more a great work, and the same formulla from OoT with a dark side. Such a combinnation could only end in one of the best games ever and the fact of having 4 different characters (5 if you count with the final mask) with different moves in the same game is just UNBELIVABLE. Good work Nintendo! 5- Super Metroid (SNES) -> For me Super Metroid will always be the best Metroid game ever, however I can´t deny that Metroid Prime is very cool, but is not my type of game... P.S. It's really hard for me to keep Mario 64 away from this TOP and I'm still thinking if I've made a mistake for let Super Metroid take Mario 64's place, however only one can be in the TOP and I've decided for Super Metroid... for me both games are at the same level, each one with is own qualitys... NINTENDO4EVER
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