5. Paper Mario (N64) - While the GC's incarnation is damn impressive, it really doesn't have the same level of charm the N64 version offered. While the world isn't as intricately realised, this is traditional RPGing at its finest, offering barrels of laughter and some really superb dungeons. Absolute quality.
4. Super Mario 64 - A complete revolution in 3D gaming. Full to the brim with challenges and omissions, any player sucked in Mario's world is bound to have a super amount of fun.
3. Resident Evil 4 - One of the finest gaming achievements ever, and sets the standard on how to make a proper sequel that tampers with the gameplay mechanics. And while the scares are completely different, being chased by the chainsaw man will induce any gamer to squeal. Like a girl.
2. Metroid Prime - This game really, really shocked me. There is so much on offer here, but the most awe-inspiring aspect is just how damn huge the game really is. Very challenging, too, all jam packed with enough incentives to make you cry.
1. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - A timeless classic. Even by today's standards, this game is still absolutely incredible - the gameplay mechanics are still fresh and the dungeons are still as intimdating as ever; this is a true classic, and is probably the most influential game ever created. Yes, even above Mario 64 I'd say.
There ya go, and there's my first post