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  1. Oh bugger. Haha. Ah well, others may take pleasure in seeing me being tortured by Argos! :p
  2. I've already told this to Caris, so I'll fill you in too. I was on the phone with Argos for about an hour a bit earlier and they basically told me nothing. After a lot of waiting and talking to 5 different people they said that they couldn't confirm whether or not I would be getting it despite it being so close to launch :| I asked about how many they were getting and they said they were confident that they would fufill all pre-orders placed before the website put it's 'out of stock' notice up. However, I don't think this is true as I'd imagine they'd at least be able to tell me I'd be getting it by now if it was. I guess I'll just have to wait it out. I did order three days before they 'sold out' though so anyone who did it before me probably has a much better chance of getting one. I asked about the second batch and they said they couldn't confirm when it would be, so that's not looking good either.
  3. To the two guys who added me to MSN: I didn't get a call back from Argos so I have no idea what is going on. I'm going to call them up tomorrow and basically demand I'm told whether or not I'm going to get it. This is very annoying >.<
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