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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. Well, they've sent me a download code for Nintendo Land at least. Are people who did get NL included getting these as well?





    We're writing about your order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which included the following item:




    ASIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ITEM: Nintendo Wii U 32GB Premium Pack - Black





    It's been brought to our attention that a small number of orders for this item may have been delivered without the advertised game, Nintendo Land, due to supplier error.


    In the event that your order was one of the small number missing the game, please use the following code and instructions below, to download the game:








    On the Wii U console, enter Nintendo eShop on the HOME menu


    On the upper left corner of the screen click the button "Enter Download Code"


    Type in the code


    Full instructions are available at this link:





    If you have any further questions, please let us know by replying to this e-mail. Should you wish to contact Nintendo customer service directly, you can do so on 0845 60 50 247.



    Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.


    Warmest regards,



    Customer Service Department


  2. On the "21 years" thing, a Norwegian on another site says this:


    No way, 21 is the max sentence. But you can sit for life, no way that he will walk free again.

    I am not sure about the english word, but its called "Forvaring" http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forvaring


    Google translate: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fno.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FForvaring&act=url


    Doesn't look like they'll have any problem locking him up for life.

  3. Seems he admired some of our very own nutters, from his internet postings.


    Breivik posted messages on a Norwegian website expressing his admiration for the English Defence League.

    Among rants about Islam and Communism is the following (roughly translated from Norwegian):


    “I have on some occasions discussed with SIOE [stop Islamification Of Europe] and EDL and recommended them to use conscious strategies.

    The tactics of the EDL is now out to "entice" an overreaction from Jihad Youth / Extreme-Marxists something they have succeeded several times already. Over The reaction has been repeatedly shown on the news which has booster EDLs ranks high.

    This has also benefited BNP. WinWin for both.

    But I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management.

    EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No. 3 on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.

    The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next 5 years are therefore:

    1 Newspaper with national distribution

    2 Working for the control of several NGOs

    3 Norwegian EDL”


    This has sent infowars into overdrive, when it first happened it was obviously a false flag attack to demonise muslims and punish Norway's government for not toeing the NWO line in terms of recognising Palestine and refusing to bail out Greece, then it was a plot by governments to spread a "White Al Quaeda" myth so they can search soccer moms at airports, now it's a plot by the liberal elite to demonise conservatives and right-wing NWO believers and create sympathy for the liberal-commie-socialist governments like Norways. Irrefutable proof - if he hated Muslims why didn't he attack a mosque? Huh? See, obvious false flag attack, but the LAMEstream media won't tell you that.


    Fox News' comments have changed a lot since the original torrent of what a cowardly attack it was by muzzie savages to some questioning if the camp was an "indoctrination camp" for leftists and socialists.


    Here's his World of Warcraft character (thread starter)


  4. What a fucking guy



    Tiote reveals why he snubbed Chelsea and stayed with 'welcoming' Newcastle.


    Newcastle midfielder Cheik Tiote has revealed why he snubbed a deadline day move to Chelsea in January to stay with the Magpies, and expressed his appreciation of the atmosphere at the club that had made him feel so welcome.


    The 24-year-old saw Andy Carroll leave St James’ Park for a £35 million British record transfer fee, and could have been persuaded to follow Fernando Torres in his £50m move to Chelsea.


    However, the Ivory Coast international decided to stay on Tyneside in preference to London, and recently signed a new six-and-a-half year contract, keeping him at the club until 2017.


    'If you come to a new club in a new country it is important there is a good atmosphere at the club.


    'As soon as I arrived here the players made me welcome. They helped me settle in and meant I could do a good job on the pitch.


    'Newcastle life is good for me. It is not like London - London is too busy, there are too many people.


    'Newcastle is not so busy. That makes it easier to focus on your job. For me it is important. I would like to be here for a few years. I can learn here.


    'I feel settled here. I enjoy it here. The fans are good and the new manager likes me. The club has looked after me and I do my best for the team and the fans.'


    The Ivorian discussed his upbringing, and the difficulties he faced in his youth, as he had to sacrifice family life in order to pursue his aim of making the grade in professional football.


    Tiote left school at 14, and moved to Belgium just two years later with Anderlecht.


    'I made sacrifices to be a player,' he recalled. 'I had to leave my family, my six brothers and three sisters. It was so difficult.


    'Now I have a better life and I am happy for that but I had to be focused.


    'In Africa the young boys want to go out all the time, they want to do something different.


    'But for me the being different was to make it as a professional. To do that I had to leave that life.


    'Going back would have been like saying, "I lose". I don’t do losing. I want to win every challenge, every tackle, anything.


    'When I was little my dad told me, "If you want to have something in your life, you have to work hard".


    'My dad is dead now but I think he would be proud of me.'

  5. If you'd have told me in 2008, when Stephen Carr was an immobile hasbeen in our defence, that in 2011 he'd captain a team to a domestic trophy and European qualification I'd have had you locked up.


    6th place minimum for European qualification then.

  6. Niall Quinn has warned that he could quit as Sunderland chairman if the screening of Premier League games in pubs ever becomes legal.


    The former Black Cats and Republic of Ireland striker issued his threat “to question my role here” in the Sunderland programme for yesterday’s game with Spurs.


    “That’s how seriously I take this,” insisted Quinn, who is worried by falling gates on Wearside.





    When you're facing a rout, and he's thirty yards out, Cheick Tiote!

    From the Ivory Coast, blasts it inside the post, Cheick Tiote!

    Oh he left Fabregas, sitting flat on his ass, Cheick Tiote!

    When your losing four three, he says leave it to me, Cheick Tiote!

  7. Basically, our fans won that for us. Even at 4-0 down the ground was full and getting behind the team, we celebrated 4-1 like it was the equaliser, roared every time we got the ball and the Arsenal defence absolutely shit a brick. From then on, we were only going to get something out of the game.

  8. Well, that was both the worst and best halves I've been at st james for this season. The arsenal fans shut up from 4-1, which didn't help them. Could have won it if it wasnt for that fucking ref, didn't even give that second pen, the linesman had to give it.

  9. And the club deny that. As usual with this club, we'll probably never know what actually happened.


    One thing I will say about Carroll is that, like Bent, he's the kind of player you will have to build your team around to get the best out of. At the moment, they play quick, passing football and don't really have the need for a target man to hold the ball up. Most of their play goes through the middle, and I don't think that have the players to support AC yet - as good as he was for us, there were some games when players like Barton were out and he was stranded with no service. Who's Liverpool's best crosser, Johnson maybe? Gerrard would be good at putting balls in for Carroll, but he doesn't like playing on the right and I doubt he'd agree to be shuffled around to accommodate the new boy.


    Also, most of the last six month has been spent with us corssing our fingers and praying that next next stupid thing he does (and there was always a next one) wasn't serious. You'll have to have someone looking after him and making sure he doesn't get in a training ground fight, deck someone in a nightclub, wrap his car round a tree or fail a drugs test. He's never going to be spending his afternoon creosoting the fence and playing a round of golf, but as long as you can limit his tabloid exposure to him sitting in a hottub filled with blue WKD with Kerry Katona, you'll be fine.

  10. Oh, so it's Liverpools fault he turned his back on you? Torres has done same to us, so i know what it's like, they both could of said no and stayed...


    I never said that, I'm saying you're being a hypocrite for being outraged at Torres and welcoming Carroll. At least Torres put his request in time for you to get two replacements and at least he wasn't a local lad you'd brought through the academy and stuck by after he got nicked about 5 times and broke one of his team-mate's jaws.


    Would be like Gerrard submitting a transfer request and trying to go to Chelsea just as he was realising his potential. Actually, I remember when he did that and the same people who are now doing this




    Were doing this



  11. "Oh my God, I can't believe there's so much disloyalty in football nowadays, it's so terrible. Oh well, can't wait to cheer on the player we've just paid a truck load of money to walk out on his home town club just after signing a 5 year contract and giving interviews in the press for the last six months about how he loves the club and won't leave, then handing in a transfer request at teatime on deadline once we came knocking with a sackful of Torres money and a private jet so that Newcastle have no time to get a replacement."

  12. I LOVE deadline day, even my mum and sister are interested in all the constant rumours and who's going where. :heh: Carroll, Suarez and Adam, very happy with them for the January window.


    Hope Carroll's thigh strain is permanent, or he gets sent down on a murder charge in the next six months.

  13. I thought it was all up front?


    Despite securing a clubrecord fee for Bent, Quinn claims the terms of the deal, allied to the £4m-plus that Sunderland owed Tottenham for the outstanding balance of the agreement that took the striker to the Stadium of Light in the first place, means there is not a bottomless pit to raid this month.


    “You do your transfers in stages and we still owed Spurs money,†he said. “The first sum Aston Villa have paid us is barely enough to pay Spurs, so I don’t have money burning a hole in my pocket. But in the next three years I will have.


    “We didn’t get handed a cheque for £24m – we got handed a cheque for about a quarter of that, but we had to pay Spurs the remainder of the money we owed them. If we can find a club that will allow us to pay in stages, we will do that.â€


    We can wonder, but at the end of the day the team/club is always going to be shit solely because they are Mackams. Amirite?


    Now, now ;)

  14. Was wondering what Sunderland were going to spend the Bent money on but I can't imagine it's going to be anything. They're not getting it all at once, the deal they did with Spurs means they get a sell on fee (Spurs seem good at stuff like that, sure they've shafted us a few times) and they're going to have to buy or replace the players they have on loan, Mensah, Onuoah, Welbeck and Elmohamady. Apparently the first instalment doesn't even cover the £6m they've had to pay Spurs upfront, so they're actually worse off than last week.

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