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  1. I already work. I already have a PStwo (Satin Silver). However I know this is a game that GC owners will enjoy.
  2. We have now reached 150 sigs! I've edited the petition to include details of Capcom's reply. Keep posting. We have to show them we are serious about wanting this game for GameCube/ Revolution.
  3. I gotta say. For Ninty fans all you guys are REAL negative. It could happen. If not on GameCube, then on Revolution. You really don't know how close Clover Studio and Nintendo are do any of you? Let me answer that. NO.
  4. I e-mailed them 3 days ago and I have just checked inbox and they have replied to my e-mail. Here is what they had to say about Okami for GameCube: I am sorry to disappoint you, but Okami is currently planned as a PS2 game only. There are no plans at present to port it to any other consoles. Best regards, Capcom I purposely highlighted "present" as it could mean that although it doesn't come to GameCube it may come to Revolution. A big thank you to everyone who has signed. Keep signing as now they know the petition exists they will pay more attention to it and consider even more a GameCube/ Revolution version. Go here to view/sign petition: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/Okami4GameCube SPREAD THE WORD!
  5. 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- THE BEST GAME EVER! 2. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -- Saving all those strangers made Link a true hero. 3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker -- The closest a game has come to a cartoon. 4. Metroid Prime -- Being lost inside a planet I didn't know felt amazing. 5. Super Mario Sunshine -- Love the fun bright nature of this. The water element was amazing.
  6. 1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- My first Action RPG and the one that made me understand how much potential gaming actually has. 2) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -- Saving a world full of people I never knew for no reward was very emotional. This game showed Link as a TRUE hero. 3) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker -- The closest gaming has come to looking like a cartoon. Beautiful. 4) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles -- A welcome return of FF. I loved the GBA connectivity and the new Action RPG plat style was a unique take on the usually turn-based series. 5) Chrono Trigger -- PLEASE Square Enix. Bring this to GBA!!!
  7. It's worth a try. Besides I'm e-mailing the petition straight to them with a letter about why we want the game so much.
  8. I'm putting a lot of effort into this so PLEASE sign it. I need as many sigs as possible if Capcom are gonna even care to take action when I send them the petition.
  9. Please sign below. Us GameCube owners NEED this game and Zelda: Twilight Princess for 2006! I'm aiming to send the petition to Capcom in January 2006 so we need to get as many sigs as possible. We WILL get this game! CLICK HERE TO SIGN PETITION!!
  10. If you have seen this game you would sign this straight away as it looks like the most beautiful cel-shaded game ever! Also it has a very unique gameplay element where you can draw on the video game world. Capcom brought Resident Evil 4 to PS2 and now I think it will be fair if they brought OKAMI to GameCube to make up for our loss of exclusivity on the amazing survival horror title. If you wanna see Okami running and how it plays go here: Okami E3 2005 Trailer Please sign below. Us GameCube owners NEED this game and Zelda: Twilight Princess for 2006! Thanks. GO HERE TO SIGN! CLICK HERE TO SIGN PETITION
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