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Everything posted by LT...2005

  1. I agree But it could be cool if it was real
  2. Some of you probaly heard about the Nintendo On. If you don't. I have a movie about it: Nintendo On Movie If you watch the movie you will see at the ending that it suddenly stops :S It looks like it could continue but it don't Nintendo said that it was a fan who made the movie but right after there were rumors about that nintendo had maked it but just didnt wanted to tell the public. But then again some japanese guy mails to a fan site and tells that Nintendo On is true. He works at nintendo he says and the prototype of the Nintendo On costed over 100.000£ And the controllers was gloves with small buttons and if you got hit you will get a little shock in your hands. I cant find a hyperlink to the japanese mail but it is on the internet somewhere. But do you think that it is fake or not
  3. Its gonna be so cool when its coming wiht the Revolution You can read a little in here. But ohh... I cant wait But how about you other guys?
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