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Posts posted by liger05

  1. Does anyone else think the UI looks just a bit odd when on a TV? More than anywhere else this is where it feels like its just a blown up image from a tablet. I think its just lacking a small amount of crispness or something.


    Not tried it but I read online the UI on TV outputs in 720p. It doesn't upscale to 1080p which is just weird.


    Does anyone know when sales figures are expected to come in for the Switch launch? I gather it has done rather well, unless of course stock levels were just ridiculously low, which is a possibility.


    In the US I'm expecting it to of done ok, the UK not expecting much tbh.

  2. I've had a chance to have a play with mine now.


    I'm really on the fence on whether I like it or not. I'm not sold on the joy cons, they just feel quite fiddly even in the grip so think I will need a pro controller if I stick with it. It's also a lot smaller than I was expecting and really disappointed with the frame rate drops in Zelda, hoping it's not a sign that we will struggle to see games get to 900p and a stable frame rate.


    At the moment it won't keep me off the Xbox much but it's a premium feeing piece of kit so if Nintendo can support it with a volume of quality software and a great online service then there's plenty of hope it can grow as a platform.


    The resolution thing is interesting. I think people said splatoon 2 at the demo events was running at 720p docked.


    Really not sure why docked wouldn't see an increase in resolution if the clock speeds are increased?

  3. Picked up the case/screen protector set. Any one actually apply their screen protector, I don't normally and I usually mess it up when I do. I was womndering how hard/easy it is to apply?



    Best thing to do is run a shower to get the room steamy. This is good to get rid of dust and finger prints. Then apply

  4. Got to admit I already had a moment last night where I wished there was something like Netflix on there. I'd finished gaming in bed and wanted to watch something before I went to sleep, I would have been happy to just put the Switch into tabletop mode but instead I had to put it away and get my iPad out.


    It's because this has become standard with all devices. Never got the argument that it's avaliable everywhere else so it doesn't matter.

  5. I noticed the left joycon analogue was a bit dodgy in TV mode, but I did drop it so I thought it was that! My Switch is quite far from the TV, right next to my router and not in line of sight. Seems fine in portable mode. I have been using the Pro controller in TV mode since then. Hopefully they can sort this out, I might try moving the Switch when testing it today.


    If anyone doesn't have the Pro controller yet it's excellent - prefer it over the PS4 / Xbox One / Wii U Pro controllers.


    Pro controller really sounds impressive.


    I'm gutted no dpad on joycons. Looking at the eshop I want the neo geo games, and the new shovel knight but want to play them in portable mode but I'm not convinced they will play well without a dpad.

  6. This is why I wonder is it even if worth adding friends and sending my friend code out there if I can't even play with friends.




    In its first detailed acknowledgment of connectivity issues that some gamers are having with its new console’s controllers, Nintendo has offered suggestions—some of them incredible—about how to alleviate the problem.


    Nintendo advises that people don’t put the Switch behind a TV, near an aquarium or “within three to four feet of another wireless device, such as a wireless speaker or a wireless access point.” Doing so can disrupt the signal the console sends to its detachable Joy-Con controllers.


    The advice appears on a new page on Nintendo’s support site titled: “Joy-Con Not Responding Or Responding Incorrectly When Used Wirelessly.”


    The page describes the exact kind of problems that some Kotaku staffers and other members of the games media have been reporting about the Joy-Con for the last week:


    This reminds me of when Apple initially told people to stop holding there iphones 4 wrong.

  7. Will the power bank charge this? I have multiple of those!


    When I get a new phone it usually comes with a case and screen protector (Mainly because it's a company phone) and I never said the game was a hidden extra, just something to take into account.


    I disagree about the pro controller being optional. Having to use the joy-con's with Zelda on the TV would have ruined the experience for me. It really is a must have.


    Digital Foundry tested a 10000mah powerbank and it charges the switch.

  8. Just wanted to give my very quick review of the actual Console;


    What. The. Fuck.


    These Joy-cons are beyond useless. Far to small for my hands. It's ok on handheld with the switch out of dock, it just about gets away with it. But when you put it in the switch grip thing, it's hideous.


    The layout is wrong, it's too fiddly it just doesn't feel right to me. The pro controller however is fantastic.


    The switch lives up to its gimmick well, you can grab the tablet itself out of the dock and pick up exactly where you left off, the display is bright and crisp.


    Remember the hidden extras with this. If you want to not mess around with the dock you need another £25 plug to charge it in hand held mode. It's another £30 to be able to charge kit Kat-cons while in use. It's another £65 for a controller you can realistically use. Oh and then £20 for a case and screen protector.


    Then you realise that there's actually really only Zelda worth it, that's another £50.


    You just paid £420 to play the new Zelda. You can get a PS4 with Horizon for £200 today.


    Worst thing is, not even sorry I'd pay the £420 again just for this Zelda.


    I bought a powerbank. Don't need the charge kit.


    You seriously can't be adding a case and screen protector as a hidden extra. Would you do the same for a phone or tablet?


    The pro controller again isn't a requirement to play anything.


    Buying a game isn't a hidden extra. What do you expect free games?


    Nintendo UK is truly useless. After getting an email before 4pm yesterday guaranteeing that it would be dispatched for delivery today it took them until 9am this morning to finally dispatch the package. Now at nearly 4pm Yodel still haven't received the actual goods. I pre-ordered on January 13th as soon as orders went live yet won't be getting it on launch day. I'm on hold with Nintendo now, doubt they'll be able to do much though.


    I feel you're pain. Been waiting for amazon all day. Got my prime membership extended for another month for free after complaining about how long it's taken and all they are saying is I'll have it before 9pm.


    I need to go Argos before 5.30 to pick up my case but can't leave until amazon have delivered.
