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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    http://www2.ea.com/uk/wii 70 games here. Publishers don't leave money on the table. If EA believe there is a market for software they will release games. If think it's better fifa is released when fifa 18 is released but you are right fifa being released doesn't mean much as they have to release at least one game.
  2. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The quality of the screen will really help with word of mouth and viral marketing. Am surprised Nintendo delivered on the screen quality to be honest. The viewing angles and vibrant colors are what will see people notice when others are using one out in the wild. If I knew nothing of this and saw someone using it playing MK or Zelda I would be blown away and suddenly a smartphone would look like kids play for games. Watch someone with this and you wont be able to keep your eyes off it.
  3. Yooka-Laylee

    A shame it took so long to can the wii u version and move to switch. They must of known months ago that the Wii U version was a problem.
  4. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Maybe down the line if the platform sells.
  5. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    10-12 big hitters in year 1? That's a big ask.
  6. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Do you blame them after the wii u debacle? They need to see the platform sell after the Wii U didn't. They go where the money is. If the switch sells enough third parties will develop games for it.
  7. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Maybe Nintendo saw the Wii U launch with too many games which saw most of them bomb hard?
  8. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The wii u left a sour taste in my mouth day 1. The UI and OS really made for such a bad user experience I just didn't really want to use it. The speed was disgraceful and I felt like I was using a new console which was worse than my 360. You didn't even have a VC to get some games. It was pretty damn abysmal. With the switch I think that me using it 90% as handheld really keep me happy. It's a huge leap from my 3DS. http://nintendoeverything.com/ea-exe...third-parties/ Good to hear Nintendo have been talking to third parties. It's just a question of hardware selling to get third parties developing games.
  9. It's not £60. Will probably be £45 by release
  10. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    There better be some directs. They haven't released nowhere near enough information. We need to see the OS, UI, EShop etc.. Still a lot of unanswered questions.
  11. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Are Nintendo getting these in stores like in the US for people to try? Good thing about Nintendo is they allow one to use a debit/credit card on another region eShop, well they did with the Wii. With Playstation I can't use my card on the US store as it doesn't accept non US billing address.
  12. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Perplexed one why Nintendo flew a guy to Japan just for fifa. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news...ned-After-FIFA No streaming services confirmed at launch. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-01-20-nintendo-switch-wont-have-any-video-apps-at-launch
  13. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Oh yes it looks like Nintendo have seen the light? http://kotaku.com/nintendo-answers-a...ium=Socialflow This sounds like eShop access to US and Japanese stores when one sets up an account for those regions. Well hopefully it it means you can select whatever region you want multiple times. Not confirmation but does sound like it.
  14. Super Bomberman R

    Lol good luck with that Konami. £50 - Jokers
  15. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Just hope it allows one to set up a US and Japanese account to access those eShop. Tweet removed, someone fucked up lol
  16. Wii U General Discussion

    The end is near: Reggie
  17. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I know but for those who want to play those kind of games in handheld mode, not really an option. Yes Nicalis tweeted it https://twitter.com/nicalis/status/8...286272/photo/1
  18. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Really disappointed no Dpad. 2D platformers and beat em ups with no Dpad suck.
  19. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Change user means multiple accounts yes?
  20. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Sounds like a nice excuse
  21. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Really. I'll never be ordering from them. Me too. Kids won't even be able to play Mario kart with there friends unless they all own smartphones. Pretty ridiculous.
  22. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I get that but I don't see how having to get out another portable device when out and about is the answer. Not forgetting those who don't have smart devices. What do they do? To me it sounds like a solution to a problem that never existed.
  23. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The 360 had 512mb of ram and did party chat, lobbies and matchmaking just fine.
  24. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Sounds ridiculous and again them not listening. Nobody asked for this. Do they want exclude kids from lobbies, matchmaking and voice chat as without a smartphone they can't do any of that. Either that or again they are trying to he different for the sake of being different.
  25. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    This sounds crazy to me http://nintendotoday.com/switch-app-matchmaking/ Matchmaking and lobbies via a smart device and not the system. Why?