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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    We should not just accept the faults of Nintendo. They need to keep getting pushed and pushed. Region lock with the 3DS, Wii and wii u was BS. Nintendo had to be called out on this. Pal VC games being released at 50mhz again BS and Nintendo were called out on this. If they wasn't would they of bothered to change?
  2. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Agreed on the features side. Unfortunately things like achievements, media apps, voice chat, online modes etc etc are things Nintendo will not take as serious as the competition does. They have had more than long enough to prove this isn't the case but just as the Eurogamer article a few months back said these things are not high on Nintendo's radar.,
  3. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Would love to know how they are doing this? How do the margins even allow it? Seems to me more of a tactic in getting people's details and a small amount will be sold at that price.
  4. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Not sure about that. I really didn't expect Nintendo to produce such a nice piece of kit. I was fully expecting a cheap screen and a cheap looking device. Instead This looks premium. They don't seem to have cut corners somewhere on the design of the hardware which is surprising. Now where I think the issue lies is what people want and expect. For me I wanted a high spec handheld and this is what the switch is for me. However I fully understand that those who wanted a new poweful nintendo home console could be disappointed as again it will still not offer at a minimum parity with the competition. That 99% certainly didn't love the wii u.
  5. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

  6. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Holiday season is always more desirable but the whole killer titles thing at launch really isn't make or break. When do console launches ever have multiple killer titles? PS4 had Killzone. I repeat Killzone.
  7. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Yep but this is Nintendo. Whether it's over priced retro software or extra accessories to play said software I really wouldn't put it past them.
  8. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Didn't Nintendo mention a couple weeks back they would up the allocation due to good pre order numbers. For those who have never used triggers before it sounds great. In the real world this would be a disaster.
  9. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    This is why the argument that other devices have the option doesn't make sense. Not everyone has that. I know my son would prefer to have YouTube, Netflix etc on a switch rather than having to juggle between switch and his tablet.
  10. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    FF7 Remake shouldn't be anymore taxing on the system than DQ11 should it?
  11. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Yep there is that. Which makes the decision to not go with analogue triggers pretty damn ridiculous.
  12. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I think you are right in the sense it's a waiting game. If it sells a lot there is much stronger chance ports will come.
  13. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Hopefully that means 90's arcade Racer will release on switch.
  14. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    True, maybe it could, but I think it's a matter of whether devs want to do that.
  15. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Not surprising. A handheld (I don't care what Nintendo say) was never going to be powerful enough for high end graphic intense games seen on ps4/xb1. Now nothing stopping Nintendo developing there own racer for racing games fans but that will never happen.
  16. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Correct. One could argue though it's up to Nintendo to make it secure but I can fully understand the reason behind this. The Netflix, I player etc etc I'm not really sure. Nintendo put them on the wii and wii u so why not now
  17. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Great!!! I'm hoping you can have one senior account which can access all the titles no matter which account they were purchased on like you can do on Playstation and xb1 as all friends will be on that particular account. Also want achievements gained on one account...... Oh wait still no confirmation on achievement/trophies
  18. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Good point. Many WiFi Hotspots require just that. Did we get 100% confirmation you can switch accounts for access to different regional shops. I know it was suggested to be the case.
  19. 1-2 Switch (March 3rd 2017)

    I don't think it will sell much either.
  20. 1-2 Switch (March 3rd 2017)

    Looks to me like tech demos for HD rumble.
  21. 1-2 Switch (March 3rd 2017)

    Full price for that, Nintendo are tripping. This should be £20
  22. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    For such a pure games machine the GC certainly failed to provide online games even with a modem built in
  23. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I'm not annoyed just I don't think it has anything to do with trying to make it a pure games machine. I think it's more Nintendo thinking those things are not necessary to sell the thing.
  24. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I'm not buying all these they are concentrating on making it purely a games machine. It's no more than a games machine than PS4 or xb1 which have multimedia functionality and browsers.