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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. I don't see that other people in the game cheating would really effect anyone else even in social games. Other than possibly people playing Pokemon against each other. When you play a game like Zelda you could still say someone who cheated to complete the game early (and thus boasted about it?) had a social impact on their friends in the same way as someone who completed Pokemon or got the best house in AC.


    Competition could be an issue I guess, but not for the vast majority of people.


    The disadvantage is the fragile nature of the 3DS - everything is tied to the machine architecture and the possibility of losing a save game that need not be lost.

  2. Slightly off topic but:


    This sort of thing is quite annoying actually. When it comes to the NX and the rumoured cloud saves of the platform they cannot be pulling this rubbish. I have often worried about my AC save and being able to backup or restore it form the cloud would be a good thing.


    Why are some games like Pokemon and Animal Crossing deemed so holy by Nintendo that people cannot cheat with save game copying stuff, but others not, such as Zelda?

  3. Tying the dungeon to the Amiibo will is interesting because it will effect whether I buy the game or not. I was thinking when it was announced that I would not bother with a straight port and only buy the game if there was something new, like a dungeon, in the game.


    Now that it is tied to Amiibo I am not so sure. I don't want any more Amiibo - particularly as storage space for the ones I have is at a premium. So, to get the game and put up with the Amiibo or just forget about it.....


    Having said that, in general, I don't mind the concept of the special edition of the game having more content than the regular edition (as that is what this effectively is), but when the game in question is a remake of a game I have already played, that is a greyer area...

  4. Nothing very good during the game - just completing normal missions I think.

    I have brought my Affinity with H.B., Doug, Gwin and Alexa up to the requirements for their first affinity mission by doing this.

    After the story is finished there are specific quests to grind more easily for affinity.


    Also: Be wary of chapter 9. I think I took it on at level 43 and still had difficulty!

  5. 53 hours in, level 35. Just finished chapter 8 (for which I was quite overlevelled). Had a peak at chapter 9 to see what all of the fuss was about and sure enough my arse was kicked. Going to hang back and do some questing exploring and take a crack at it at around level 38 I think.


    Hey @Mr\-Paul still looking forward to the N-E review - any news?

  6. Its not as clever as that - refresh the page a few times and I am pretty sure it is just a random selection from those levels it has decided are recommended.


    My issue is more that if you see a level when you are not logged in that you want to play, you have effectively lost access to that level. They could solve this by:

    * Free text search on course title.

    * Showing the level ID. (Not ideal as you would need to know to get it before hand)

    * Not just showing an error when you bookmark and you are not logged in - but at that point offering you to be able to bookmark and login.

    * Storing the levels you bookmark against the browser cookie, so that when you do login it can update them.


    Also Youtube generally lets you watch what you want without logging in so it is not teh same issue and Amazon does my third and fourth item.

  7. First fail on the mario site already! Saw a Goemon level that I wanted to play but could not bookmark it because I was not logged in. Logged in and then the recommended courses changed! Stupid. Nintendo needs beating with a user interface stick sometimes.

  8. I think the two map rotation is the most annoying thing about the game now that the dust has settled.

    If they could just prevent the 4/5 in a row matches on the same map it would not be so bad.

    I agree it could easily be upped to three and that would also reduce much of the problem. :(

  9. For me it wasn't brilliant either, but getting Ryu earlier in the year was all I really ever wanted anyway.

    Overall I think the DLC is pretty good from a variety point of view. Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta do all seem to be characters that they have put a lot of thought into creating different and interesting move sets that are appropriate to the character.


    In last weeks episode they were saying there better not be another sword user announced and James made the point that the FE universe has people with Axes and Lances, so how about using one of those? I look forward to hearing what they have to say.


    Could not agree more with this, even if Corrin does seem to have more effort than the other FE characters.


    I was hoping for the return of local tournaments though. :(

  10. My crashes were only playing against friends - sometimes in the races, sometimes in the results screens.

    We got quite a few server errors and race match making fails.


    However, after a while, it started working flawlessly and we never looked back.

  11. That reminds me. Yesterday when we were playing, one of my mates hit a fan on that level that has them. It would restart him a couple of feet back, before the fan, and he would hit the fan again and again and again. :)


    Quite funny. For us.

  12. That's a shame. About 15 minutes after you were there is really stabilised. Could do with a patch to cope better when the online connection is a bit shaky.


    I do love the courses though they are imaginative to look at and great fun to drive on.


    I thought I had read in the reviews that the AI was harsh (hardly makes a mistake) rather than had rubber-banding. There seems to be absolutely no catch up coefficient in the online races - it is purely about the mistakes you make, which is a nice change from Mario Kart.

  13. Downloaded this and played it online last night. The tracks are very good and I like the driving style. Haven't played the single player yet.


    The online was a really weird mixed bag - at first we had a hard wii u crash for one of the four of us in every single race. This went on for about 10 races with one or other of us having to restart. During this period the race counter could not keep up (you would be second or third for the whole race and then just win, or switch to first on the finishing line - all kinds of weird stuff). After that, something changed and we never had a single problem for another 10-12 races until we called it quits.


    The options are quite limited as well - everyone/friends modes (Mario Tennis, take note!). The friends mode though is not really a lobby - you just sit on a screen and wait for your friends to connect. Bit of a fluke if anyone manages to meet each other.


    Thanks for the races @Kounan when you did manage to join in. :)


    It must have been difficult because you joined in typically when we were have all of our crashing problems.
