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Everything posted by Shaolins_finest

  1. Download classics from Xbox Live news

    I think they would need Nintendos consent to release alot of their games on other systems. Capcom can't just decide to release an Exclusive SNES game which was licensed by Nintendo on Xbox360. Sega Could make a huge deal with Microsoft. Nintendo needs to use the Download feature as a gimmick and not expect profit from it. Make it so developers who sell retro games on the Revolution get 90% profit. Every developer would give nintendo their full library for a deal like that.
  2. The Revolution begins now!

    Just EGM's Revolution Article about the TGS revealing. Your gonna see alot of these in depth articles now that the Magazines are publishing their new issues with Sept. News in them. Since we're on the internet we would most likley not see anything new.
  3. Jim Merrick Interview Part 2

    When he talked about anoymous people digging up trees in animal crossing i got excited. I would love to run in someones town and just start messing it up lol
  4. Colours

    All i know is that i would be pissed if every color was sold out except green.
  5. Spiegel Online interviews Iwata

    translate with better ENGLISH!