The reaction over this game has been another typical moment where Nintendo fan boys don't actual know what they want from a Zelda game. The world cried when it saw Wind Waker, yet it turned it to be one of the most beautiful looking games ever and a solid Zelda title. The fan boys asked for a "realistic" Zelda game (what ever that may be) and they get Twilight Princess, which in terms of Zelda games was the most complete and epic adventure yet with over 70 hours and gameplay and more mini games than you can shake a hat at. Now after you all see the new Skyward Sword game and it's direction, you still start ranting about things that you don't even understand yet. The E3 demo was designed purely to show how the controls would work in the game. When that game is released, the art style will look lovely on your TV instead of looking a bit blurry like on Gametrailers videos and the controls will work fine as we all know. Have some patients and wait to see some more of this title. You have yet to see the overworld (if there is one, but i'm sure there will be), you have yet to see any other areas apart from a small demo forest clearing and you have yet to see where Link actual comes from. As we all know, there is a lot of elements that come together in a Zelda title; wait until you see them all then pass your judgements. Personally, the art style they have chosen will suit the Wii better and should produce a finer looking Zelda title than Twilight Princess did...have faith Fan boys or is that too much to ask?