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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I've been playing this for the past few days - just about to get to the World 4 boss. It's been an amazing game so far, with just as much variety as you'd expect from levels. It's definitely a bit on the tricky side, though - 1-ups are plentiful, which is a good job, as I've died so many times!

  2. Press start twice to turn the pointer green, this will let you select multiple Pokemon at once.


    Ah, brilliant, I knew I'd seen more than one selected at once on a video somewhere, but couldn't for the life of me figure how to do it! :bowdown:

  3. Good to see it's here at last. As I'm still working my way through Mario and Luigi Dream Team at the moment, I haven't really got the time to devote to transferring all my Pokémon over, but maybe that'll be a job for half term in a few weeks' time. I did transfer one box over from Black, though, and blimey, it took a long time! Can't believe you have to transfer box by box, switching between the Bank and Transporter apps each time, then to get your Pokémon from Bank onto your X/Y cart, you have to transfer each Pokémon individually with the d-pad and buttons. Seriously, Nintendo? ::shrug: I've got a full Pokédex on my Black cartridge to move over, so it's going to take a looong time...

  4. So did anyone legitimately watch the countdown to New Year in the Plaza? I can just imagine someone being at a New Year gathering only to whip out their 3DS in the midst of it all :D


    Me! I was just at a small gathering with a few friends. Just had it sat there on the table and watched the countdown reached zero. My 3DS hit midnight about 40 seconds after Big Ben, so I was able to say happy new year to everyone and clink a few glasses before glancing back down to Animal Crossing!

  5. Knowing that I had a pre-Christmas party with eight friends coming up last night, I downloaded this at the weekend. It turned out to be a big hit - we must have played for three hours straight! Everyone had a great time and there were loads of laughs. Such a wide variety of modes, and as one person said last night, they've done a lot to make it feel different to the version on Wii. Easily one of the most creative and varied uses of the Gamepad, too. I'd definitely recommend it for any friend or family get togethers this Christmas.

  6. Harvest Festival was fun, even if getting all completed took a little too long. I was happy to finally get my first villager with a smug personality move into my town today - a unicorn called Julian. Nice! :) Now I need to look into which fish I'll be able to catch tomorrow - has anyone made a December list yet?

  7. Please tell me you can choose which button is run and which is jump? As in can we run using B? If not I will be seriously pissed off as it'll render the game virtually unplayable for me! Mario 3D land was a bitch to control coz run was mapped to the A button.


    Not as far as I can tell, I'm afraid.. :(

  8. I've played through the first two worlds of this now (review copy on loan - got to send it back in ten days! :() and although I'm enjoying it, there hasn't been much that's completely blown me away. I had read that about the first two worlds, though, so I'm looking forward to it getting better from this point onwards. One little thing that I'm liking, though, are the Miiverse stamps that you unlock (not that I can use them yet, with there being no EU Miiverse community). In fact, I actually think that stamps would be a nice alternative to achievements / trophies for Nintendo consoles, and it's something I'd like to see them push more in the future.

  9. Streetpass is great, but these changes they're making, doesn't it take away the whole point of it? I quite like the idea of knowing that I've walked past someone with a 3DS, or, with the current relay system, knowing that someone had been to the same place as me recently. With these new changes, it just seems a bit artificial.

  10. What was the halloween event? Sadly I was out so didn't really have much chance to do it...unless I TT'd tomorrow or something. Not keen to, but a year is a long time!


    It basically involved finding Jack the pumpkin guy and giving him some candy, which you've been able to buy in the shop for a month, but you could also get on the night by trick or treating villagers. In exchange, Jack gives you a piece of furniture from one of two Halloween themed furniture sets, then teleports to somewhere else in the village and you have to find him again. What makes it harder is that all the villagers have various coloured pumpkins on their heads, so it's not as easy as you'd think to find him.



    Here's one of my museum rooms, which I've Halloweenified.

  11. Good that these are mostly available all day. No need to hang around waiting for them! So, did anyone else do the Halloween stuff today? I've now made a museum room full of creepy and spooky furniture, thanks to the event!


    Half past one edit: And all done for another month! Annoying that I now have to wait until March for the final deep sea creature, but at least the final bug is next month. Just four fish left too...

  12. I'm at the London Expo today, so getting loads of StreetPasses as usual, but strangely finding that probably about half of the 3DSs I'm connecting with don't have StreetPass Plaza enabled! So getting loads of Pokémon hits, but nowhere near as many puzzle pieces etc as usual.
