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Posts posted by Mike

  1. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse

    Unlike my other remade courses, this one is not an exact copy. I wanted to change things up a bit, so didn't look at the old version when I made it. Some elements I made easier, and there are a few completely new ways that winged Thwomps are used. The main thing I'm not happy about is that the Bowser fireballs that you have to dodge before you get to him make things more difficult than I'd really want them to be. Still, if you're up for a challenge, try 559f-0000-0027-475e

  2. After a lot of hard work it's Just Keep On Duckin'! ACBD-0000-0018-5B3B


    This one caused me a massive headache to recreate. Not just because its by far my most complex level, but also because there was one part that didn't seem to work the same way as in the media version - some flying dry bones that you needed to bounce off at a certain time didn't appear in the same place vertically as they had done, and I know I put them in exactly the same place! Maybe something related to the patch? I don't know. Didn't solve the problem, but worked around it at least!

  3. My word, the quality of the levels I've encountered randomly are just garbage.


    Bad level designs, disconnected pipes and enemies in ? boxes already feel like the oldest joke ever. It's worse than I feared.

    Best go back to making levels...


    Yep... That's what it's pretty much like. I've only used an enemy inside an item box once, and that was as part of a puzzle in my Tower level.


    And speaking of my levels, A Song of Ice and Fire: 5C7F-0000-0012-36F8

  4. @Mike Your level is now featured on Nintendo Everything too!




    Thanks for letting me know! It seems they did this one of mine too!



    @martinist - You don't have to worry about the servers being reset on Friday. I'm fairly certain that the retail version will upload to completely different servers than the media version straight away. The media ones won't be wiped, as far as I'm aware - they just won't be accessible to anyone with a retail copy.

  5. @Mike I was reading the Telegraph's 5/5 review for this this morning and, in talking about some of the user created levels he enjoyed, referenced your maths one I believe! Check out the review below but pretty sure it's yours he described, unless someone else had that very idea...




    Oh cool! Thanks for letting me know! :yay: That one's turned out to be my most popular, followed by the ducking one and the ice and fire one. Kind of wish more people had tried the tower one, though - I was pretty pleased with how that turned out! Still trying to decide whether to remake them when the full version comes out...

  6. I have been eagerly awaiting Super Mario Maker for a year now, but the last two-three months I have begun to think this game will very likely turn out to become one of my top ten all-time favourite games!




    You, sir, are an excellent course designer! I have been following your posts in this thread, and I can't wait to play your courses when the game comes out.


    Can the courses made in the review copy of the game be uploaded and shared from the retail game, or will the review copy courses have to be made from scratch?


    Thanks, that's good of you to say! Sadly, the media review code levels will not be playable in the retail version, which as you can imagine I'm pretty annoyed about, as I won't be able to share them online next week, without rebuilding from scratch! :(

  7. Another level for you! With this one I was trying to create the sense of climbing a tower without actually being able to do vertically scrolling levels. Also gave me a chance to create some small platforming / puzzle challenge rooms.


  8. It's 2 o'clock in the morning... the perfect time for a ghost level, and an automatic one at that! This one definitely took me the longest to do!



    Oh yeah, and I'll just leave this here too... :)




    5th! :yay:

  9. Wow, that's really impressive!!! :bowdown::bowdown:


    Thanks! You'd never guess I was a primary school teacher, would you? ;)


    It was fun coming up with the various punishments for getting a question wrong, not that you can really see much of it in the video.

  10. It's been nice to have had a bit of a quiet period without spending too much on these things! Back on the amiibo train this autumn, though - I've got my sights set on Falco, Chibi Robo, Nook, Isabelle and KK Slider before the end of the year...

  11. But that means loading Miiverse up, which isn't a speedy process in the first place.


    Surely there has to be an option within the game to send/receive stuff to and from an in game friends list, rather than having to do it via Miiverse?


    Even Miiverse isn't that helpful, as you can only get codes from it - you can't just find a level you like there, click on it and load it up in the game. Really, the only way we're going to be able to share N-E levels easily between ourselves is to find and follow each other in game. It'll be like friends lists on Wii and DS all over again!:p


    Hype post right here bros. Honestly - I don't think I'd create much but seeing these creations of yours in a game series I've loved so much is absolutely fucking excellent. They're all great looking levels! Doesn't have to be bastard hard to be good! How long would you say you spent on each of them? Very much enjoyed that last level you made there with the Bowser battle - something new, something challenging, great stuff. Love the Winged Thwomp mechanic in it. I'm gonna be a mario appreciator more than a mario maker I think, just absolutely love seeing the fact you can make all this from scratch with a toolbox.



    One thing I got to wondering from a couple moments in those levels though, and it isn't necessarily something new but can be frustrating - can you end up with timeout traps? You have to complete your own level to finish it, but for example in your first level what happens if you fall between the tall pipes and can't jump out? As a creator*, you know never to do it and so can finish the level and thus publish it - but as a player if you fall in there you're basically fucked(I guess similar with the hover hat thingy, if you lose it) - I'm presuming there's a 'quit' option rather than waiting for timeouts as I did as a kid in Mario; but it was something frustrating when I was playing a level when I was younger and I felt absolutely stuck to the point of waiting for timeout. Small as I guess a quit/retry option immediately negates the frustration, but just...hmm. Got curious then solved my own issue. Carry on, nothing to see here!



    Cheers for the feedback - I really appreciate it. : peace: Especially as my levels have only been tried by six or seven people online, and most haven't been completed. (The P-switch and Thwomp levels have only been beaten once, and the Yoshi level hasn't been beaten at all, even though I wouldn't really consider that one hard!)


    I'm most pleased with the Thwomp one, mostly because of the boss fight, although it does highlight one annoying aspect of the game - occasionally, especially if a level is quite 'full', some enemies just won't appear for some reason. Three or four times I've tried the level, I've got to Boswer and the winged Thwomp above him just wasn't there, which meant the level was impossible to beat. Very annoying...


    Speaking of unbeatable levels, you mentioned timeout traps. Yes, it is possible to quit out of a level if you're stuck, and if you're playing it as part of a 100-Mario challenge, you can hold down the minus button to skip it completely. However, I have been trying hard to avoid this kind of thing in my levels. The first one you mentioned, it's not possible to get stuck between the pipes, as you can just wall jump out, then run along the top. As for the propeller mushroom level, you're right, it is possible to lose it, but I think I've made places where you can at least jump into a pit / onto spikes to force a restart if you get into that position. Like you said, though, it's not easy to consider all possibilities, but I do try to! One way that people have been trying to make it so you can't permanently lose an item is by putting it in a pipe rather than a question block, so that it will always come back.


    You also asked about how long it took me to make each level - I'd say between 30-90 minutes, depending on complexity, though of course you can make something simple in much less time if you want to.


    Anyway, here's my latest level, which I haven't actually uploaded in the game yet...


    A Song of Ice and Fire

    Teaching the player to deal with fire, then ice, then both together!

  12. No. In fact, as far as I can tell, there's no easy way to even find your friends, unless you either happen to see a level they've put up and you add them to your 'follow' list, or you get a code for one of their levels and make contact with them that way.

  13. Considering the levels from the media build won't be playable in the retail version, I thought I'd make a recording of my levels so far. No fancy video capture equipment though, I'm afraid - good, old-fashioned 'prop the phone up next to the GamePad and record' so the quality is pretty bad! You get the idea, though. :)


    Neo Hills 1

    My first level. A bit of a difficult start, but gets easier and has a secret area.


    Neo Underground 1

    My first underground level. I wanted to make good use of the propeller mushroom in this one!


    I Need A P!

    My attempt at creating the alphabet song using musical notes. The P Block is hidden underneath the note that plays for P in the alphabet!


    Eat, Spin Then Throw Up!

    I wanted to make a level where you needed to throw things upwards, which is only possible in SMW. The name came next, then I got designing


    The Thwomps Have Wings

    For this I wanted to try out different ways that winged Thwomps could be used as a stage hazard. I also wanted to try and make a proper boss fight at the end. Definitely my most difficult level so far... maybe too difficult!

  14. Each of the amiibo unlock one costume. All the costumes of characters who don't have amiibo are randomly unlocked each time you complete the 100 Mario challenge. This can even be done on easy mode, where many of the levels can be breezed through quite quickly. Since I got the game on Friday, I've done this five or six times, though most of the costumes I've unlocked have been leaked online in various places. I did upload a level earlier based on an as-yet unleaked costume, though.. :)

  15. Never mind the nine day thing - the main worry I have about the game is how difficult it may end up being trying to find truly innovative levels. As soon as it comes out, I can see it being flooded with hundreds of levels that are just filled with loads of enemies and enemy towers, rather than ones that use the platform placement and other elements in creative ways. I reckon it's also going to be quite hard to get your level noticed - so many will come out at once, I fear the majority will just sink without getting the chance to be discovered. Will hopefully be proved wrong, though!
