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Posts posted by Mike

  1. :eek: I must have those! I've always wanted Callie and Marie amiibo, and these two look exceptionally well made. The only thing that could've made this announcement better would have been a three-pack with Judd.
  2. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse

    My first new course in about six months! I wanted to try out the new elements, plus I'd never made a scrolling course before either so I thought I'd give that a go too. Be careful, you need to be pretty quick at the beginning part but don't worry if you miss any red coins as you can loop through that section as much as you want.
  3. These pictures have me pretty terrified. For the past few years, I've had problems with my fingers where I can't use my iPhone with my fingertips for more than a minute or so without them aching. Because of this, I'm stuck with using a stylus to use my phone for browsing / gaming (I'm using it to type this right now!) If the NX controller has touch screen buttons rather than something physical, I literally don't think I'll be able to play it without hurting myself. At this point, I can only pray it's a very good fake, or the console is well supported with a 'classic' controller. :(

  4. I got Timmy / Tommy (really good quality - one of my favourites!) and Kapp'n yesterday. I had preordered Rover too, but changed my mind at the last minute. I'm sure it'll be cheaper in the future anyway.

  5. Decided to give the final chapter a go tonight, and was surprised to actually beat the final boss first time! Lots of cutscene in the final chapter, but it certainly did a good job at reigniting my interest in the story, which, until this evening, I hadn't been particularly engaged by. Great game overall - definitely not up to the standards of Xenoblade on Wii - but worth playing for sure. I only had around 55% of Mira surveyed when I finished, so I'm looking forward to getting back into it to carry on with more of the missions. I'd also been putting off getting Fast Racing Neo until I'd beaten the main story, so it's now gong to be my Christmas present to myself. :)

  6. As someone who was hoping that the Smash DLC would mean more first party characters, I can't help but feel disappointed. Mewtwo and Lucas are great, but they should have been in the game to begin with. I'd never even heard of Corrin before, as Fire Emblem isn't my thing. As for Ryu, Cloud and Bayonetta, I can see they're big names, but I just don't have a connection to them like I do with Nintendo characters. Oh well - there's always Smash Bros NX, I guess! (I must admit, though, both Corrin and Bayonetta, esecially the latter, look fun to play as, so I still look forward to giving them a try next year!)

  7. Did you play the original game, Mike? That also had a couple of difficulty spikes, especially Lorithia.....man, I hated her with a passion.


    Certainly did - the original's in my top ten of all time! For me, this bit's even worse than Lorithia.. I'm sure it won't be the same for everyone though - I think a lot of it depends on how well you understand the stats / augments systems.... which I admit are somewhat beyond me!


    One great thing about X is how it will eventually ask if you want to lower the difficulty level. I've resisted with this battle before now, but I'm definitely on the cusp of caving in!

  8. Not that I want to put a dampener on the situation, but .. ugh.. My love for this game has turned into pure frustration this week. I've basically been stuck in the same spot since Sunday, unable to make any progress in a late-ish story mission as I can't take more than an eighth or so off a boss' health bar before dying. I've spent the last six or seven hours of game time alternating between trying to beat it and slowly grinding and levelling up, though I'm already five levels higher than the boss now. Very irritating...

  9. I got some badges for free today, and by that I don't mean via a free play, I mean they literally just fell out of the machine! :o Yeah, I was just flicking between the catchers and a couple of badges suddenly dropped. :D


    That happened to me yesterday, with a Mario Kart question mark block.


    Not been doing too well on this recently. After racking up loads of free badges in the first week, I've really been slowing down. Today I had four free goes, but only ended up with three badges (a couple of Koopalings and Waluigi on a bike). Still enjoying it and making it one of my first jobs every morning, though! Happily rocking my Splatoon themed home menu!

  10. It's a shame so few are thinking of getting it at launch. Like I said before, it really is worth it. There are definitely things that I preferred in the first game, like the story and sense that you're on a journey far from home (in X, you're always heading back to New LA), but I don't regret any of the 40 hours I've now put into it!

  11. So, I've been playing this for a week and a half now. Racked up 30 hours and just got my first Skell, which is a real 'OOT Epona' moment as the vast landscape suddenly becomes such a breeze to traverse. Like with the first Xenoblade, I've found myself completely sucked in by the side missions - even though they pretty much are all kill and fetch quests - and although the story and characters definitely don't seem like they're going to stand up against Shulk and co. in the long run, the exploration does a very good job in making up for it. This is definitely a game to get excited about!

  12. I was talking to my wife about wanting a Rover amiibo literally about half an hour before this image leaked. This - and Kapp'n - will definitely be mine. And Blathers. And maybe Mr Resetti. And Isabelle if she's ever sold separately. And Tom Nook, KK Slider and Falco this week. And Wolf Link and Lucas next year.


    I think I need a new shelf...

  13. Hmm.. Not that hyped by the Direct - though I think it just says something about me that the thing I got most excited for was the Wolf Link amiibo! :D Saying that, Fast Racing NEO looks pretty awesome, and I'm interested to try out the new Splatoon levels. Starfox should be a nice distraction, at least, and if I hadn't already made a start on Paper Jam and Xenoblade, I'd certainly be looking forward to them too. ;)


    Cloud in Smash leaves me cold - I've never played a FF game, and I've never wanted more third party inclusions anyway. With the inevitable Wolf DLC in the New Year, I'm staring to wonder if we'll ever get any 'new' first party characters!


    And maybe one day we'll get an announcement of Rhythm Paradise 3DS...

  14. I completed it last night. Excellent level as usual, but I probably missed various who references. Not quite as hard as some of your others, so the need for the check point was not so acute. :)


    Glad you liked it! Aside from the travelling from the past to the future in the TARDIS there were no real Who references, though, to be honest!

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