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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Great little game, this! I played on the Wii U version for a bit, but nice to see how many new tracks RMX has. Still doesn't *quite* capture that FZero GX feeling, but it's pretty darn close. Can definitely feel the HD rumble too, although I wouldn't say it adds that much to the experience. Will definitely be giving this one more of a go when I can tear myself away from Zelda...

  2. I've played maybe seven or so hours so far. It felt great to get off the plateau, after that's all we'd really been shown by Nintendo, and I've enjoyed finding a few secrets in the area below. Time will have to tell whether or not this tops Ocarina for me, though - I think I probably do prefer to be led through a more focused quest than be left to my own devices, and I echo what others have said about the overworld being quite empty in parts and the very annoying weapon degradation, but even so, I'm looking forward to getting back into it in the morning!

  3. Just come back from the Switch event, and echo the positive impressions from others who went. The Switch console itself and the JoyCons feel like really nice pieces of kit, and pretty comfortable to hold. The grip controller, which I used for Zelda, felt a little strange, what with its square shape, but it wasn't uncomfortable and is certainly something I'll be able to get used to. Buttons all feel nice, and I was pleasantly surprised how I didn't mind the buttons instead of D pad.


    Zelda was the first game I tried, after an hour queue. Though I enjoyed it and am keen to try more, I left feeling a bit disappointed because the 20 minutes I was allowed on it barely let me scratch the surface, especially as I had go through the whole 'Open your eyes' beginning scene.


    ARMS was next - what a fun little game! I'd need a bit more time to get used to th controls, but I could feel myself getting better as the 15 minutes or so I got with the game went on. So much better than Wii Sports Boxing, and the gyros on the JoyCons allowed for some really subtle adjustments to your punches. As long as there are a variety of modes (including a decent single player campaign), this is definitely worth picking up.


    Of the 1,2,Switch games on display, I was able to try the Strike A Pose, Safe Cracker and Ball Count mini games. The first two really did feel like something you might get on the Wii, but the Ball Count one was seriously impressive, thanks to the HD rumble. What people are saying about the feedback you get from the rumble is true - it honestly felt like the balls were rolling about inside the controller. I just get the feeling that ultimately, it'll largely just be used for gimmicky mini games, and I'm yet to be convinced that it's worth the extra expense it's added to the system.


    Splatoon 2 felt pretty much like the first one, though that's no bad thing. I tried out the new Dualies weapon and got on well with it, and the Jetpack special that came with it was fun. The level in the demo was very reminiscent of Urchin Underpass - nothing to write home about, but I'm sure there'll be more creative levels in the final game. I was relieved to see that the SuperJump worked just fine without the touchscreen. Choosing which teammate to jump to with the dpad buttons was quick and easy, and you could select where you wanted to go as soon as you got splatted, so you'd jump there immediately after respawning. This was the only game I tried in handheld mode, and like everyone else is saying, the screen quality - the colours and the resolution - was superb.


    The last big game I tried was battle mode in Mario Kart. I tried this one in split screen tabletop mode, and although it worked well enough, the screen was a bit too small to make this setup something I'd want to use unless I really had to. Battle mode was fine - I played as Inkling Boy in Bomb Blast mode. Fun enough, but if there aren't any new actual racing tracks, I can't see myself double dipping on this title.


    Sadly, I didn't get to have a go on Snipperclips as the line was too long and the event was ending, but it seemed popular with the people playing it. I did have one race on Fast Racing RMX, though, and it looked and felt as lovely as the Wii U version.


    And that's it! A fun morning, even if I could have done with another hour or so there. Made me all the more excited about March 3rd!

  4. Event started strong, got very dull in the middle with the third party stuff and minimal actual gameplay footage, then ended on an incredible high with that awesome Zelda trailer. Mario looks good, though I'm not a fan of the real world stuff, and Splatoon looks like it'll definitely draw me back in. Thrilled that there's another Xenobkade on the horizon, and it looks fantastic, too. Just left feeling like there's a lot more they could have shared, like more about the system level stuff, what's coming at launch, and what's going on with Mario Kart. Still, I'm pretty satisfied for now, but Nintendo is going to have to work hard to win over the naysayers, I think.

  5. Well, 45 hours in and I've got pretty much all I want to get out of this game. I'm not particularly fussed about the Battle Tree - my aim has always been to get a full Pokédex and now I've got all of the Gen VII Pokémon, ready to be uploaded to Bank, all except Silvally, that is. I'm just going to have to keep checking the GTS for that one (or another Type: Null).


    All in all, another excellent Pokémon game, with some great new features!

  6. So... someone, don't remember who, suggested that this looks like it would fix the problems with Sticker Star. I haven't played Sticker Star but would still like to know what you might think this fixes?


    I've played this up to the first koopaling battle so far, and I'm finding it very similar to Sticker Star. But then, I didn't really have a problem with Sticker Star at all, so...::shrug:

  7. Waluigi! I've been waiting for him for so long! Glad to see Daisy, too. Diddy looks awesome - I'll definitely get him as I passed on the derpy Smash one. Also very tempted by Wario. Classic colours and pose make this much better than the Skash one, but do I really want two amiibo of the same character?

  8. Have to agree with the rest of the sentiment on this thread. I'm now nearing the end of World 3 in this and having a brilliant time. Every level is unique, the mech mechanic feels fully fleshed out rather than an occasional flashy showpiece (like the hypernova power in Triple Deluxe) and it's one of the best uses of the 3D capabilities of the system.
