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Everything posted by DuD

  1. Splatoon 2

    I should actually make it 👍
  2. Splatoon 2

    I hope to make it
  3. Splatoon 2

    Okie doke. Thank you. Hopefully a few more show up in future.
  4. Splatoon 2

    Did the other 2 disconnect?
  5. Splatoon 2

    It's put me in turf, I'm up for league after though
  6. Splatoon 2

    You wanna do league if smeagol doesn't show up
  7. Splatoon 2

    Sorry had to go see the little man and now I'm on a 5 minute wait 😒
  8. Splatoon 2

    I'm not a fan either. Should have been left in 1
  9. Splatoon 2

    Says i can't join you Glen-i
  10. Splatoon 2

    21:00 sounds do-able for me 👍
  11. Splatoon 2

    I'll be around later if anyone fancies some games later tonight. Would prefer private / league / turf, but will go Salmon if anyone else shows up and that's the consensus.
  12. Splatoon 2

    Sorry i missed yous last night
  13. Splatoon 2

    May be slightly early for me but I can try.
  14. Splatoon 2

    I think the idea of all voting the same at splatfest is potentially promising. I'm not really bothered which team I'm on
  15. Splatoon 2

    I'm free later on most nights. What time does MK League finish? I don't mind Salmon Run, but it gets repetitive after a while. Could get it in the mix though.
  16. Splatoon 2

    Three: Get everyone together and private battle, playing whatever mode and levels we want
  17. Splatoon 2

    If we can get a fourth I'll get involved, but the last splatfest was an absolute chore with the poor matchmaking and then disconnecting / dire teammates whenever you could get a game. I can't be arsed tho grind through that
  18. Splatoon 2

    If that's us down to 3 I'm not gonna bother with this splatfest.
  19. Splatoon 2

    I'll get checking my friends list and probably adding people later on.
  20. Splatoon 2

    I'm team warm. I'll be around Saturday probably 10pm onwards.
  21. Switch Gaming Bargains Thread

    Odyssey is 36.99 on Toys r us with code 8086839990.
  22. Splatoon 2

    I've had a terrible time as well. Maybe 5 games vs Back Roll? Unable to find games even vs Front Roll, connection errors, drop outs galore. An absolute grind which having got so far I had to finish off. I will either not bother next time or stop at champion. I'd never questioned whether I would pay for Nintendo Online, but if I'm expected to pay for that experience I won't be bothering
  23. Splatoon 2

    The points go up as your power level goes up. Each rank has an equivalent power level, so someone who is S+ will start at a higher power level than someone who is S, A, B or C (not sure if the +/- has any effect) and play tougher opposition. The G&K is apparently some French Youtubers. Also Cst is a German channel. I had to Google it a while ago as it was bugging me.
  24. Splatoon 2

    I won't be around until probably 9pm uk at the earliest.
  25. Splatoon 2

    I didn't realise there was actually a choice. FRONT is the only way.