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About jackfb

  • Birthday 04/06/1987

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    north of south pole,south of north pole


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  1. i think no one will ever find all the 49 different colours.. !i can't even understand the difference between the shades of purple.. anyway,go on..we've just found some of them (thanks for the information sent 'til now)
  2. you're right..i put this thread there because i thought that it wasn't a wii-only topic..but this section would,anyway, be a better position..
  3. hi everyone..looking at the boxes of my nintendo games i started to think about those coloured triangles at the base of the boxes..i know they are there to identify which language the game support (and also the languages of the box and the instruction booklet)..so..i wanted to know the link between each colour and the languages! you would say..don't you have anything better to do?yes,probably..but who cares..:awesome: anyway,i'm here to ask your help..tell the colours of the triangles you have on your boxes and which language/s there are on the boxes and on the instruction booklets! i'll start...nearly all of my games have a light blue triangle and the box is completely written in italian,as the instruction booklet is..no other language is available (the games,instead, is playable in 5 languages as i think all the actual NoE games are...english,german,french,italian and spanish but they start in the language the console is set).so..i think that light blue means italy or more generally italian-speaking region because there are both the address of Nintendo Italia (the italian branch of nintendo) and of the swiss distributor "waldmeier" for italian switzerland!the only exceptions i have are two games with a pinkpurple triangle(i don't know how to call that colour..maybe magenta)..and here there is the first mystery..the colour of the triangle is the same..but one game has the booklet and the box in 4 languages (french,italian,spanish and german)and the other one (bought in paris) has only one language (french)..i can't understand why..i thought that that colour was for games sold in all of those 4 markets (france,italy,germany and spain)! ok i'll stop talkin 'bout it:yay: but..i'll wait your answers bye
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